Thursday, March 26, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday -- Would That We Were Young Again

On the back of this postcard is this quote: "Ah, would that we were young again — English."

Thomas Dunn English (1819 - 1902) was an American politician who represented a New Jersey congressional district in the House of Representatives from 1891 to 1895. He was also an author. The quote on this postcard is from his poem "Kate Vane:"


I Well remember when at morn
We twain to school would go,
In summer heat, in winter chill—
Unheeding sun or snow.
I think of when I used to gaze
Within your bonnet on those days—
Perchance to steal a kiss, Kate Vane.
Ah, would that we were young again!

I think of when I "did the sums"
That puzzled so your pate,
And, when I went to say my task,
Slipped in your hands the slate.
Oft would I claim and get for this
What now were worth a world—a kiss:
You did not think it harm, Kate Vane—
Ah, would that we were young again!

I think of when the brindle cow
Adown the cattle track
Chased you, and I with stick and stone
In triumph beat her back.
Your little cheek was on my breast,
Your little lips to mine were prest,
Your eyes were filled with love, Kate Vane-
Ah, would that we were young again!

I think of when I halved with you
My cherished, childish store,
And only wished, for your dear sake,
It might be ten times more.
Our schoolmates, in their petty strife
With us, would call us "man and wife; "
None call us that just now, Kate Vane—
Ah, would that we were young again!

I see you now when years have passed,
And find you full as fair;
Time has not soiled your purity,
Nor marked your face with care.
I love you as I did before—
Yea! deeper, stronger, better, more.
What! are you in my arms, Kate Vane?
Dear love, we both are young again!

Want to participate in Postcard Friendship Friday? Welcome!! Go read this on Marie's to learn how to get started:)


  1. Ah, Would that I was a little younger again! But not too young because I don't want to do the hard stuff over again!

  2. What a lovely card! What a touching and romantic poem! Have a Happy PFF! :-)

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  3. I agree wholeheartedly with Stevie! orr... I'll keep my age but trade in my extra pounds and wrinkles!

  4. I always say I' wouldn't mind being young again as long as I can bring my experiences with me. Knowing what I know now, would make it all so much easier!

  5. Happy PFF! What a darling card! I lurve it! I liked the history of the gentleman for the peom too. Great choice today! Have a great day!

  6. What a lovely little poem on the patriotic postcard.

  7. What a beautiful poem and darling postcard. Can't wait to read more of your selections.

    Thanks for leaving a comment on my first Postcard Friendship Friday post at Genealogy Traces.

  8. This is an excellent post... Just love the adorable image! The sweet puppy reminds me of my own lil Cocoa ♥

    I really enjoyed the history that you shared, and especially the poem. It was awesome, and I think it's a shame that poems aren't written in that fashion anymore. So glad you were able to stop by for a visit ~ thank you for your comment, too. Hope your weekend is wonderful...


  9. I love this postcard...and also love the "where the boys are" ones -

    I'm gonna love this PFF stuff
