Thursday, March 12, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday - Leather Postcard Pillow

Leather postcards were made for about five years in the early 20th century. Apparently they were banned by the post office because of problems in processing the cards.

This postcard shows a lady making a pillow out of leather postcards. A mailbox is shown because she wants the receiver to mail her some more leather cards! The idea of using the leather postcards to make a patchwork pillow was promoted in order to increase sales. Some of the cards that can still be found have holes punched along the edges so that the cards could be sewn together.

Want to participate in Postcard Friendship Friday? Welcome!! Go read this on Marie's to learn how to get started:)


  1. really interesting! i'd never heard of this before.

  2. It was a status symbol for people in the Victorian and Edwardian eras to hang the souvenirs of their travels on the parlor wall. (We do the same thing; among the items hanging in our "parlor" are a didgeridoo and a painted apple barrel stave from Nova Scotia.) But I've not heard of leather postcard pillows; I'd sure like to find such a pillow for my parlor!

  3. I had never heard leather postcards! How interesting! Thank you for this special post! Happy PFF! :-)

  4. Interesting - I've never heard of leather postcards before. Thanks for sharing, it's very informative :)

    Inside Cambodia

  5. I've never heard of leather postcards before! A completely new idea to me, but possibly it was restricted to the USA.

  6. What an interesting story ! I wonder if there were some in France. At least, never seen one.

    A way like an other to begin a collection, no ?

    Thanks to share, Postcardy.

  7. How interesting! An early attempt at recycling - and then came flour sack dresses.

  8. Funny I just found one and thought that was strange. Now I know. Thanks Denise

  9. Thank you for posting about this type of postcard.I had seen one for sale on ebay but I didn't believe it was intended to be a postcard!
    I learn something new every day.
    Evelyn in Montreal

  10. This is definitely on my list of "what I learned at blog school today." Fascinating!

  11. I have several of these leather cards, and blogged about one I have of an Indian a while back. By the way, I finally got my latest Friday Fish Postcard Fry entry up on my blog.

  12. Hi! I have one of these postcard pillows...fringe and all! There is no stuffing, allowing me to peek inside and see that all the cards were sent to one woman, and most have stamps still attached- seems all were from 1901. There are 24 postcards in all laced together with leather strips and attached to a large piece of leather with fringe...making the back of the pillow. It measures about 18" X 20" and with the fringe, about 30 X 26. Can you tell me where I can get some info on how much its worth, or where I can have it preserved? Its been between glass on my wall for about 10-15 years. Thanks!

  13. You are lucky to have a complete pillow. Value would be whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
    For preservation, look for information on preserving textiles and archival framing supplies. Make sure it not touching the glass or nonarchival paper. Make sure it isn't in an environment that is too humid or too dry.

  14. I am interested in your leather postcard with the lady sewing a pillow. Are you willing to part with it?
