Tuesday, May 19, 2009

1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon

I bought this postcard of a 1956 Chevrolet Station Wagon because it looks just like the one my father had. This one is a "Two-Ten" Beauville. My father's car was a six-passenger model that had the same color combination as the one on this card. The official name of the colors are Crocus Yellow and Laurel Green. This color combination was nicknamed "Mustard and Custard."

Notice what looks like a vintage soap box derby car and a Speed Graphic camera in the foreground.

In researching this card, I found a website devoted to the 1956 Classic Chevrolet that is full of information and even has a collection of 1956 Chevrolet dealer postcards. According to that website "With classic Chevrolet collectors focusing their attention principally on the 55 and 57 models, the 1956 Chevrolet is often overlooked. It shouldn't be! "

This post was written for
A Canadian Family
A Festival of Postcards Blog Carnival

Premiere Issue: Wheels


  1. I think my Dad drove us around in one of those, too--except it was red. (grin) GREAT postcard!

  2. that's a great car! I joined Festival of Postcard also, my entry is hereDid you make the Festival banner on your own?

  3. Love this postcard. Reminds me of my junior high school years ~ we didn't have one but it sure looks like the times.

  4. We rarely saw those in the UK, in fact probably never, but the styling is so reminiscent of the era.
