Thursday, May 7, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday - Ebay Postcards

Here are a couple more postcards to celebrate National Postcard Week. What could be better than postcards about collecting postcards? And the rubber duckies are pretty cool too!

Even if you don't know Italian, you can probably figure out what these postcards are about. Here are some rough translations from an online translation website ( and what I think they are saying:

le cartoline sono tra gli oggetti più collezionati in italia
the postcards are between the collezionati objects more in Italy
[postcards are among the more collected objects in Italy??]

sono 500.000 i collezionisti di cartoline in italia
they are the 500,000 collectors of postcards in Italy

[There are 500,000 collectors of postcards in Italy??]

il mercato online dove vendere e comprare di tutto
the market online where to sell and to buy of all

Fonte: indagine ipsos Explorer per eBay " Il Collezionismo in Italia", 2004
Source: surveying ipsos Explorer for eBay “the Coleccionism in Italy”

These postcards are published by Promocard.

Want to participate in Postcard Friendship Friday?
Go read how to get started on Marie's


  1. Those are SO cool! I've never seen eBay postcards before. And yes, the duckies are cute.

  2. It is cute card, very commerical but also the artist.

    You Got A Posty

  3. I had NO idea Ebay had postcards! How intriguing!

  4. I didn't know either that Ebay had postcards. Very nice!

  5. I look for postcards on ebay from time to time, though I've never bought any .... yet. There are an awful lot of us collecting! Interestingly, Italy isn't one of the larger Postcrossing countries. For some reason, it's very big in Finland.

  6. Strange, I didn't realize Ebay had postcards.

  7. Thank you for the information. I shall have to go check them out.

    Have a beautiful weekend.

  8. Wow these are the first Ebay postcards I have seen.
    Happy Postcard Friendship Friday.
    Fantastic post.I just love dropping by it is so much fun to see what your going to post next .
    Have a wonderful weekend !

  9. Clever .. and I got one recently from Tide .. I must remember to post it

  10. Wow. I'm not sure I needed to find this. Ebay here I come! Stop me now! I already have too many addictions!

  11. Thanks for stopping By. I most my post so it would be easier to find. Thanks again.

  12. Very colorful...
    I'm Lovin' the
    waddlin' Ducks...
    Have a great weekend...


  13. Beautiful blog.
    Greetings from Belgium
