Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maine Sign Post

This postcard shows a famous sign post located in Lynchville, Maine, at the junction of Routes 5 and 35. This sign post is said to have been erected about 1930. Mileage is given to what appear to be nine foreign countries or cities. Actually these are places in Maine that are named after foreign cities and countries.

A 1988 New York Times article, On Maine's Grand Tour, Mexico Is North of Paris, has information about the towns named on this sign post as well as some others: Madrid, Belfast, Stockholm, Rome, Vienna, and Moscow.

To view more of my blog posts about signs postcards, click the signs label at the bottom of this post.

This post was written for
A Canadian Family
A Festival of Postcards Blog Carnival

3rd Edition, July 2009: Signs


  1. How COOL! So, did you get the google thing squared up? I surely do hope so. Your site is totally not spam.

  2. I saw this signpost in person in 2002; it was looking a little worse for wear. The wooden signs have apparently been replaced with reflective signs. Also, the China and Peru signs have apparently switched places.

  3. I like the little boy's Tom Sawyer look!
    This card screams AMERICANA!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  4. There is a modern postcard, not of the same signs, but it seems to have taken its inspiration from it. It is remarkably similar.

  5. I've seen a postcard of that road sign so many times in my life when I used to travel often to Maine. Wish I had one of my own. ;o)

  6. I live about an hour from where the sign is located.. I think it's one of the most noted places in the state of maine.. It is a real sign. it's diferent now..
