Thursday, June 25, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday - Tickled Pink*

I saw that Marie was wishing Imajica a Happy Birthday, so I decided to do the same. Happy Birthday! "I wish you all you wish yourself — Whether 'tis gladness, love or wealth."

This unusual birthday card is printed on hot pink paper. Like the original message writer, I have never seen anything else like this.

The message says:

Don't know whether you have seen any cards like this. I didn't until yesterday. Thought it would be a bit of a change for your album.

* tickled pink means "to be delighted."

Postcard Friendship Friday


  1. Oh!! This is such a pretty card, love it.

  2. What a pretty card! I love the women's expressions, too!

  3. Hot Pink! Love it. I also like that it was addressed but not mailed :)

  4. I'm tickled pink to see it too! I have a bunch of card printed on hot pink and blue paper they are certainly eye catching! Happy PFF postcardy!

  5. I've seen colored paper like that. It is supposed to be hard to xerox.

  6. It's certainly noticeable!! I've never seen coloured card used before.

  7. Usually I don't care for such a vivid pink, but this card is fabulous. I love the fact that it is printed on the pink stock (not a pink picture printed on white stock) bringing the color to the back of the postcard. Lovely card.....

    Have a beautiful weekend

  8. My goodness! now THAT is pink!

    Gorgeous Postcard! Happy PFF!

  9. Hi
    Happy PFF,wow a hot pink
    This is the first one I have seen.
    Such a lovely sentiment.
    Thank you for sharing this one.
    Have a fabulous Friday.

    Happy Trails

  10. oooohhhhh :~) thank you thank you. you are amazing! I sure love the card! :D

    Happy PFF and hugs!

  11. lovely card, i really like the color haha :)
    happy PFF xx

  12. Hot pink? I've never seen that before. Glad you posted it!

  13. Really unusual card! It tickled me that you noted with "tickled pink" means. Some phrases I just assume that anyone will know, but that certainly is not true!

  14. I love the effect of the pink color. And I have to admit, I never seen a card like this in my life.

  15. This is completely new to me, too. I imagine that they flew off the shelves like hot pink hotcakes.

  16. that definitely would stick out in a collection. Love it! Happy PF Saturday!

  17. Wow! That hot pink card must have been quite a hit.
    Thanks for stopping by!
