Thursday, July 30, 2009

Postcard Friendship Friday - Mickey Mouse Mailbox

This is a lenticular postcard made in Japan by Wonder Co. This type of printing is also called "3D." There are two images. Tilting the postcard changes the view from the first image to the second.


I haven't decided whether I will have a Postcard Scavenger Hunt for August. If I have one, it will be posted next Thursday or Friday. I have thought of several topics, but haven't chosen one. If you have any suggestions for topics, please leave a comment on this post or the main Postcard Scavenger Hunt announcement post.


  1. Howdy
    Oh how cool !
    This is a wonderful post.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us today .
    Happy Postcard Friendship Friday to you .
    May you have a truly blessed rest of the week.
    Happy Trails

  2. Oh my....what a clever postcard...and so cute!

    Have a beautiful weekend

  3. Hmm, a mouse bitten by a, mouse, rat? But I love these 3D cards. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Today, you are my hero! As a child, I wasn't much into actually eating Cracker Jack, but whenever I got the chance, I'd ask to get a box, in hopes that the prize inside would be my favorite: one of those back and forth moving pictures! (I'd give the candy-coated popcorn/peanuts to my Knuckle Matt to scarf down. Thank God, he loved the stuff more than the do-dad that the box had to offer.)

    Anyway, this Friday, I have declared you a saint! After fifty odd years of unsuccessfully asking everybody and their brother what the heck those 3D-ish graphics are called, YOU HAVE SAVED THE DAY! How very grateful I am-- how can I ever repay you? Perhaps a box of Cracker Jack? Um... Can I have the prize? I'm pushing it, aren't I? LOL! Thanks, again! SparkleFarkle~~~~~*

  5. Hee Hee, that made me smile! Amazing how Disney characters are known the world over - I can picture little Japanese kids (and adults)laughing at Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck...

  6. How clever to have managed to scan both views!

  7. Good for you for scanning both images. that couldn't have been easy.

  8. FYI: I couldn't get both images to show up individually in a scan, so I used digital photos. That's why the bottom of the second one is curved (I'm not sure if the curve is from the postcard or my camera). I skewed the tilted image of the second one in Photoshop to make it rectangular.

  9. You always come up with something new to interest us, Postcardy!
    For what concerns the Scavenger Hunt how about a colour (I'm doing white for the December Festival).
    Another possibility would be HEIGHT and then people could share mountains or buildings or tall people or whatever!!!
    I think it would be great - if you have the spare time and the inclination - to give the Scavenger Hunt a bit more time to be discovered by people.
    You have one of the highest quality blogs around and it's one more way for people new to postcards to discover you!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  10. Oh, this is a gem!! I just love Mickey Mouse. What I wouldn't give to find a postcard like this next time I'm at the antique mall!

  11. Oh, I love these cards!! Mickey is the best. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Hi Lynn! M - I - C (see you real soon) - K - E - Y (why because we like you) I'll be singing this song all day now! Happy PFF Lynn!

  13. I'm surprised that you were able to capture the 3-D effect with the camera. I loved cards like this when I was a kid.

  14. Gotta love Mickey Mouse---See ya real soon!!!! great job to get both images!!!
