Wednesday, August 26, 2009

VTT - Stork Announcement & Baby Book

This postcard is one of ten designs of "Stork Announcements" by artist E. B. Weaver. I think it is probably from the 1920s or earlier (much older than me).

The baby book shown here is mine. Unfortunately there is little information filled in, but there were some interesting mementos saved in it. The book is in very good condition because it was kept in the box.

According to the label on the back of the box, this baby book is "famous" and was advertised in several magazines. Our Baby's First Seven Years was published by The Mother's Aid of the Chicago Lying-in Hospital, University of Chicago. This baby book was first published in 1928. My book is the "New and Revised Edition Copyright 1943."

I was amazed to discover that this book has gone through a number of revisions and is still being sold (Our Baby's First Seven Years). New editions involving new design, art, text, and typeface were published in 1941, 1958, 1969, 1982, and 1989. A 1987 Associated Press article noted that over 8 million copies had been sold, generating money used for maternity research. The seventh edition was published in 2000 and includes the latest medical knowledge and philosophy of child care. The newer books are in the form of a loose leaf binder instead of a bound book.

I found someone else's blog (
Sean on Family History) that shows interior Images from a Baby Book, 1956 that are similar to my book.

Vintage Thingies Thursdays


  1. Ohh, what a wonderful book..and to think it's being published is wonderful. I love that little birth announcement. Happy VTT..have a wonderful day.
    p.s. I got here from another blog..your link didn't work for me when I tried... CC

  2. I love your little baby book. It's special even is it isn't completely filled in.

  3. I love looking at these little books and the birth announcements...soooo cute!

  4. I love vintage baby books. They were so delightful!
    Thanks for stopping by my place and I think you're right - I don't remember hearing robins either. But the other day I heard one chirp and I do believe it was the first time I've even heard them do that.

  5. What a wonderful treasure! How cute this is!


  6. Great vintage post. I mentioned someone's post from last week that included a birth announcement to my sister. She said we still have hers and my other sister's. I'll have to get a scan! So little time, but I so enjoy VTT.

    That is an amazing record of publication for your baby book.

  7. These are fabulous! I love the fonts and the colors!

  8. wow.. really awesome book! sweet.. i love it.. so special and precious!

  9. Those look like images from my childhood!!!

  10. Hey, you just made me run down to the basement and rummage through a box to find my baby book. I found it and let's not talk about how old it is, okay? :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  11. Hi,

    Oh these baby things are so cute! I love vintage baby memorabilia!


  12. How great to have these! I found a similar postcard in my own baby things my mother saved for me!

  13. It's so cool when we do a little research on out VTT and find out interesting things. I need to go through my baby stuff soon.

  14. I love that middle one; aren't they just adorable?
    I feel bad that I never filled out one for my children. I was much too busy then and now I've forgotten everything!

  15. These are so sweet, I just love the vintage baby books, the pictures are so sweet and cute!! Have a great VTT.

  16. I love old baby books--I even have a few! Who could resist those graphics???

  17. Wonderful baby book-love the graphics! Great to know that the book is still being published and sales help a Laying-In Hospital and research!

    Love the announcement card!...why is a baby's birth weight always of such keen interest?

  18. I remember seeing copies of books like these, along with a 1913 copy of Godey's Ladies' Book, in our neighbor's bookshelves. She'd let me look at it very carefully, since I was the only little girl in the whole neighborhood, and she had a houseful of four rowdy boys.

    Lovely memories.

  19. PS: I came by to say that I'd fixed the photos on Lawn Tea, if you want to take a look back at the samplers and the Easter Card.
