Thursday, November 5, 2009

PFF - South Dakota Pheasant Hunting

This postcard was mailed from Canistota, S.D. with a 2¢ Jefferson stamp. The postmark doesn't have a year date, but the postcard can be dated between 1954 (when the stamp was issued) and 1958 (when postcard postage increased to 3¢). The message mentions being in Canistota for treatment at the Ortman Clinic, a somewhat famous and unique chiropractic clinic that is still in business. A sentence added by the writer along the top edge of the back says "I chased this hen to S.D."

The description on the back of the card is as follows:
A HAPPY COMBINATION. South Dakotans are happy that their state is known as "The Pheasant Capital of the World." Good hunting abounds in many parts of the countryside. This comely young woman is shown holding a live pheasant.

The "Greetings from South Dakota" postcard also has pheasant hunting as a theme. It is an example of a name band postcard, a type that was popular in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and was published by Curteich in 1960.


  1. I've always loved those plaid shirts. When I was a little girl, my sisters and would always get one towards the end of June just before our annual camping trip.
    Evelyn in Montreal

  2. Love these! My niece turned 12 this year and was able to go on a youth hunt. She got a VERY large turkey her first time out...he had a really long beard. She'll love this, as she loves anything that shows a girl hunting.
    Oh yeah, I've been a plaid shirt girl for years :)
    Thanks for sharing,

  3. I love the first picture, the plaid outfit is a bit much, but I actually like it.

  4. I have to admit, I also focused on the fashion elements. I have a friend who hunts and I am convinced it is just because she likes the outfits. Very sporty. We ate the pheasant she was O.K..

  5. I had to actually look up the word comely. I was confusing it with homely though! I couldn't imagine that he would actually describe this charming huntress as anything but gorgeous!

  6. Yes, comely is a word no longer in fashion, but those plaid shirts are still popular in my neck of the woods, especially when paired with a bright orange vest!

  7. My mom used to hunt ducks; she would love this picture.

  8. My son and grandson love to hunt bird. They would love this postcard. Oh and what a wonderful colorful shirt. Orange vests are also so vogue in hunting country.

  9. What wonderful old postcards! I love the muted colors in them. Happy PFF!

  10. Thanks postcardy, for the great vintage SD pheasant postcards! And thanks for commenting at my PFF post! :)

  11. Love your old postcards!! the plaid shirt is cute, isn't it?
    Happy PFF!

  12. Comely seems such an incredibly old-fashioned word now!

  13. ...a glamour shot from more innocent times perhaps, when a pheasant and a plaid shirt were all that were needed to make hearts race?!
    happy (belated) PFF!

  14. Fantastic card - the first I've seen of a woman hunter. And with pheasant to boot! Excellent.:)

  15. Love the blog. I'll have to come by again. Great vintage cards and other stuff too.

  16. Great postcards! I love the added written line...which hen do you think he meant? The Girl or the Peahen? :)
