Wednesday, November 25, 2009

VTT - Thanksgiving Turkey Wishbones

This Thanksgiving postcard by the artist Ellen Clapsaddle shows one of the traditions associated with Thanksgiving, the wishbone pull. As the verse on the postcard says:

May your Thanksgiving be happy,
And when the dinner is through,
May the biggest part of the wishbone
be the end that's held by you.

I was born on Thanksgiving and have collected many Thanksgiving postcards, mainly those featuring children. When I was young, my birthday was celebrated on Thanksgiving, and I was usually given one end of the wishbone to pull. One time I decided to keep the wishbone instead of pulling and breaking it. This wishbone is at least forty years old.

For lots of interesting turkey facts and figures, including the purpose of the wishbone, see The skinny on snoods, wattles and wishbones.

Vintage Thingies Thursdays


  1. I've heard about it, it looks fun.

    by the way, I was watching Mr. Linky at Suzanne blog since last one hour, and it is not started yet ..and I was thinking.. will i be the first post .. but I thought you are the first again!

    Good fun competitiion?

    Have a nice day.

    You Got A Posty
    All Little Thing I Like
    My 2nd Hand Book Shop

  2. What memories you brought back today. We have pulled the wish bone so many times in past years. I do not recall any of our wishes coming true. It was a not tradition.

  3. We always pull the wishbone at Christmas. Hope you get the biggest part of the wishbone this Thanksgiving!

  4. *´¨)
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY BIRTHDAY *

    What a sweet Thanksgiving card! I can't believe you still have the wish bone!

    Vintage Thingie Thursday!

    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY THANKSGIVING *


  5. I love your postcard! SO sweet! Happy Birthday to you! And a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What a great day for a birthday. I had a wishbone tree my father had mad out of chicken wishbones. It lasted many years until my cat decided one day that chewing on wishbones would be great fun. I can't believe how long you have saved that one. Happy Thanksgiving too!

  7. Neat post! I always remember pulling the wishbone when I was young, and we still do sometimes. That's the first vintage wishbone I have ever seen. My brother in law was also born on Thanksgiving Day.

  8. What great mom had a wishbone tree with a Santa at Christmas when we were a kid...I used to always like to pull the wishbone, it was a tradition...Great post full of memories for me today. Happy Thanksgiving!

  9. Cute card! Have a happy Birthday. Now I'm off to read about snoods and wattles and such!

  10. Happy B-Day!

    That post card is adorable!

  11. Happy Birthday! How fun is that :-) Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  12. We did the wishbone thing too - good fun! I love that you've kept yours all these years. What I really love is the Clapsaddle postcard - how precious is that and appropriate for your VTT today. Have a wonderful birthday and Thanksgiving.

  13. How neat! Love that vintage image, thanks. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving too!

    My older sister and I always pulled the wishbone-I don't remember ever winning!

    I think your wishbone is a truly unique vintage treasure!
