Thursday, December 10, 2009

PFF - Rural Letter Carrier - Christmas Wish for You

This is a postcard made for rural letter carriers, circa 1911. The name of a letter carrier is printed over the picture of the house. If you look closely, you can see some tiny letter under the poinsettias and a mail box on the fence.

This is the poem printed on the back of the postcard:


The Star that shown o'er Bethlehem
Near two thousand years now gone,
Is shining just as brightly still --
May it kindly lead you on.

The Heavenly Choir that proclaimed
"Glad Tidings" to unnumbered throngs,
Is singing just as sweetly yet --
May it sing for you glad songs.

The voice that taught from Gallilee
In accents low, is speaking still
For "Peace on Earth" to all mankind --
May it speak for you "Good Will."

May all your Christmas Joys and friends
Be lasting, firm and true.
This is my wish for you my friend.
My Christmas wish for you.


  1. Beautiful red flowers and great Christmas wish.

    Wish you Merry Christmas too!

    You Got a Posty
    All Little Things I Like

  2. What a wonderful card! I wish my postman would bring me a card like that!

  3. This is wonderful! I also wish my postman distributed something like this. He would still get the same tip though.

  4. Wonderful Christmas poem. Thank you for sharing both the picture and the poem. Thank you also for visiting junkblossoms. I hope you will visit often. Merry Christmas.

  5. Wonderful... lovely poem... I wonder when they stopped spreading good cheer!

  6. It's a very nice poem and a lovely card as well. Happy PFF!

  7. Can you imagine a time when the postman would leave such a beautiful Christmas greeting in your mailbox? Wow!

  8. I just picked up a red poinsettia yesterday! The Christmas tree is going up this weekend:) Is yours up yet?

  9. Amazing that they actually had personalised cards for postmen. We do get a card from ours, but it's just a normal one he chooses to send us.

  10. Look at all the icicles. This reminds me that I need to shovel a path to the oil fill! Happy PFF.

  11. I love the contrast between the rich red of the poinsettia and the paler side.
    Evelyn in Montreal

  12. a wonderful card and as is often the case with postcards, a great piece of social history...happy PFF!

  13. What a unique postcard. Lovely. Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  14. That's one of the nicer Christmas poems I've read! Thanks!

  15. Lovely card and amazing that the receivers would get such a thoughtful greeting.

  16. That is a great card. I've never seen a mail carrier card before.

  17. Once a postman presented this Christmas Card to his customers and now you bring it to us all. A great idea. Happy PFF.
