Wednesday, January 27, 2010

VTT - Valentine, Pie, Cake, and Betty Crocker

The Valentine postcard above was published by Whitney about 1925. The Betty Crocker's Cookbook below is the ©1969 cookbook (Sixth Printing, 1970) which I bought when it was new. The picture of Betty Crocker on the back cover is the 1968 version. My cookbook looks like it has been used a lot, but it really hasn't. The wear and tear is mainly because the book doesn't have a very durable cover--it looks like the covering is cloth but it actually is thin paper.

I am showing a couple of snippets from this cookbook. First is a picture of cake testing in the Betty Crocker Kitchens.

In honor of Valentine's day, I am showing the recipe for Betty Crocker's Best Chocolate Cake including the Valentine Heart Cake variation.

Next are some snippets from a 1950s flour sack insert. The old pre-1955 picture of Betty Crocker is on this insert. I am including some recipes for Streusel Cream Peach Pie and pastry, an ad for Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book, an order form for the cookbook and silverware, and a coupon. The silverware shown is the Queen Bess Pattern by Oneida. The coupon expired in 1957.

I'm participating in Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. Nothing beats Betty Crocker books no matter their date. You have a very interesting vintage version.

  2. Oh I just LOVE the sweet postcard. And I've always loved the old cookbooks. They always had the most wonderful pictures.


  3. I have the very same cookbook and still refer to it when roasting meat and poultry! I love it!

    Great postcard - sweet sentiment

  4. Ohh, what a wonderful post. I loved it all,specially the sweet Valentine at the beginning. It's adorable. I enjoyed your showing the cookbook and Betty's different look. This was such a fun post...Happy VTT, hope your weekend is a wonderful one.

  5. I HAVE this same cook book! Mine was a wedding gift in 1975. The recipe for "Bonnie Butter Cake" is just the best thing on the planet!

    Oh - - - and we are REAL partial to the rice dish called "Texas Hash" too!

    Fun that you shared this. I guess they ARE vintage now, though it is STILL my main cookbook!

  6. What a unique valentine card you have! You just gotta love Betty Crocker and her cookbooks! That is just great!

    Vintage Thingies Thursday!

  7. It's easy to get lost in old cookbooks. I love mulling them over.

  8. I love those old cookbooks! A couple of mine were from around the time of WWII, and there are recipes for using what you grew in your Victory Garden. Also lots of coupons too. Love the old valentine too!
    Happy VTT!

  9. Love the Valentine post card. I have often wondered how many sets of silverware were purchased with BC coupons...

  10. We have the ninth printing (1971) and the cover and pages you show did not change. We still love the biscuit recipe out of the Quick Bread chapter.

  11. I absolutely LOVE the card, delightful.

  12. what a gorgeous valentine card..i LOVE it!

  13. That Valentines cake sounds delicious. Wonder if I should print it out and leave it discretely in the kitchen...

    I'm so subtle...


  14. Wonderful Valentine postcard!

    I've made the BC new oil pie crust recipe but this one looks even better and I love the idea of a canned peach pie in the winter! Betty Crocker cookbooks are the best!

    I also was a U of M student! What did you study? Do you remember when they made that movie on campus-my friend played the girlfriend but she didn't have one line!

  15. Love your vintage Betty Crocker....Those BC Coupons bring back a girl we collected them to send to a missionary organization and they used them to purchase things for the missionaries.


  16. I love the vintage Valentine postcard. I was on the hunt for some today at one of my favorite antique malls...found one but it's not nearly as cute as the one you posted.
    Thanks for the recipes!

  17. I like cookbooks although I seldom use one! Not a cook! Even by force.

    The Valentine is too cue. She certainly is engrossed in her pie dough. :)

  18. I want to make that cake!! sorry I am so late, I want to throw my computer in the street.....Happy VTT!
