Thursday, February 18, 2010

PFF - 1972 Winter Olympics Postage Stamp

This is a French maximum card with a first day (premier jour) cancellation of a 1972 Winter Olympics French postage stamp. The title on the back of the postcard is Jeux de Sapporo (Sapporo Games). The photo source is Office National du Tourisme Japonais.

The 1972 Winter Olympics were held in Sapporo, Japan. This was the first time that the Winter Olympics were held outside Europe or North America. Sapporo had, however, originally been chosen as host for the 1940 Winter Olympics. Japan resigned as host after invading China in 1937, and the 1940 Olympics were later canceled due to war.


  1. What a cool card and stamp! Thanks for sharing... Happy PFF:)

  2. wow....I loved to see the video with Gustavo Thoeni: he was my hero when I was growing up [I'm from Italy, born in a town at the foot of the Alps]. I remember when he won...good memories :) thanks.
    Great postcard, too!!!

  3. Interesting info on 1940, great postcard. PFF...

  4. This is a nice nod to the Olympics. Great card and stamp. Happy PFF.

  5. Good one. No "agony of defeat". Happy PFF!

  6. I'm having such a great time watching the Olympics and this is the perfect post for this current event! Happy PFF

  7. Perfect! I'm enjoying the Olympics and this card brings back memories. A rich history of hosting countries - Hitler's Germany for one - and the Cold War being fought, not on land but on ice with figure skates.

  8. great post! time difference here in italy is making following many of the events difficult here this year, but i have really been hooked on snowboard cross! happy PFF!

  9. How appropriate for this time when we are all glued to our TV watching.

  10. Great card and I loved the video clips. The Winter Olympics are my favorite.
