Wednesday, February 24, 2010

VTT - Men's Hosiery

Normally, I am not tempted to make up stories to go with my with my postcards. But when looking through my collection to find a postcard to pair with my box thingie, I found one that suggested a story to me:

She was the girl of his dreams, and she reminded him of the girl on his Eiffel hosiery box. He had made a big mistake when he addressed her as "girlie." Wearing his best suit and carefully arranging his legs to show off his new hosiery, he attempted to persuade her to give him a second chance. But, it was too late now.

This box is the type of burnt wood item that had a design stamped or scorched into the wood in a factory, rather than having a printed design to be hand burned by a hobbyist.

size 7-1/2" X 4-1/4"

This box has the Eiffel Hosiery trademark on the inside of the lid. Eiffel sold hosiery for men, women, and children. This box held men's hosiery, as indicated by the label stamped on the bottom of the box.

I'm participating in Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. That it is such a cute VTT. You had a great idea.

  2. Oh I love the story, and based on her face I think you're right, she didn't like being called girlie!

    And that box is beautiful. I can't imagine having a wooden box with such detailed wood burning on it to house my hosiery!

    Kat :)

  3. Isn't it something how a postcard was how everyone communicated back then! That's a cute one!!

  4. I agree....some of the vintage postcards do evoke a story. This is such a cute one! Happy VTT!

  5. That's a great vintage box. I think your story was perfect for your post.

  6. Today it would cost much more to make the box than the hosiery! Too bad.

  7. What a great story to go along with your marvelous box and postcard.

  8. Wonderful story and beautiful treasures. Thanks for sharing both. :)

  9. Your postcard leaves you wondering dosen't it. They were certainly contemplating something. Love the box and your story.

  10. A wonderful story to go with the postcard and the box. Great fun.

  11. What a wonderful box, and postcard story!


    barbara jean

  12. That's lovely - they're deep in conversation over men's hosiery! Love the box and the pic is great!

  13. The hosiery in such a lovely box must have been good quality and expensive. If he played his cards right, she might have married him after all and someday darned those expensive socks!
    I might have the right thread here:

  14. I'm still laughing! The card itself was enough to set me giggling but your story finished me off!

    Whatever was the card manufacturer thinking?

  15. Great story! the box is lovely, such a nice keepsake.

  16. What a Fantastic Box. I love the look and the hinges are so wonderful. I would not of know Eiffel sold hosery. thanks for sharing grace

  17. Wonderful post! Quite an imagination you have. The story just fits. Love that box.

  18. The box is so pretty, I collect boxes (one of my many collections, LOL). Great post card too!

  19. The story is a perfect match to the postcard and oooooooh thatbox!!!! wow. lovely.
    thanks for taking the time to visit my blog too :)

    -brightest blessings-

  20. That was adorable, great little story! :)

  21. That box is so cool; I've never seen a wooden one. I remember receiving hosiery, glove and tie boxes as a child when I received something as a gift, back when stores gave out more than 1 size box, or gave boxes at all!

    I'm a little late with my visits. I hope you checked out my 2 giveaways when you visited my VTT!

  22. I love these! I love the look on her face and the story you posted about it. Adorable!
