Thursday, April 29, 2010

PFF - Majestic Prince & the Kentucky Derby

May 1, 2010 is the 136th Kentucky Derby.

This postcard shows Majestic Prince in the winner's circle at the 1969 Kentucky Derby. The jockey was Bill Hartack. Majestic Prince also won the Preakness in 1969. He raced in the Belmont despite a leg problem, but failed to win the third race of the Triple Crown. That was his last race.


  1. Thanks for stopping by for VTT. Have a great weekend...Julian

  2. Majestic Prince - very princely indeed. I hope when he retired he went to stud ... not put down like they do sometimes.

    Happy PFF!

  3. I love the crush of people and of course the racehorse with all those roses.

  4. Wow--what a horse! He had a BIG heart.

    Thank you for sharing these...Happy PFF!

  5. Cool postcard!

    I remember when I was a kid my dad and I watching the horse races. It was one of the few things we had in common.

    Thanks for that memory. I rarely watch the races anymore due to the heartache of the past few years (horses being hurt).

    Btw, my postcard is definitely a spring scene. Though that may look like snow in that little window, it's sheep in a meadow with budding trees. :-)

  6. You have a good match with another blog of yours, all about horse :)

    so cute.

    You Got A Posty ~ PFF
    Theme Day ~ Statue

  7. What an amazing horse... thanks for sharing the postcard and video! Sad he had to retire so early in his career!

  8. A magnificent animal and a lovely card.

    Thanks for your visit yesterday. I've been away too, so I'm late - again!

  9. Happy late PFF. I like your tupperware postcard also.

  10. It is that time again. I'm not a fan of horse racing. Too much happens to the horse. Majestic Prince was certainly a prince and majestic. Happy PFF!

  11. This is the second PFF blog that has a video. Rather amazing. I always find the race exciting.
