Sunday, April 18, 2010

SS - Hubbell House, Mantorville, Minnesota

This postcard celebrates the 1954 centennial of the Hubbell House in Mantorville, Minnesota. The original Hubbell House was constructed five years before Minnesota became a state in 1859. The three-story structure, which still exists, was built in 1856.

The Hubbell House entertained some famous guests in its early years. Among them were those whose signatures are shown on this card: Horace Greeley, Brother Bishop Whipple, Senator Ramsey, Henry Clay, Ole Bull, and W. W. Mayo.

Paul Pappas purchased the Hubbell House in 1946. Paul passed away in 1996, but the Pappas family is still involved with the Hubbell House.

The Hubbell House website has photos of the restaurant interior and current menus.

Smorgasbord Sundays (SS)
restaurant and food postcards


  1. I'm gonna head over there and get me some fowl.

  2. What a fun post! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my hoosier! I enjoyed having you, and hope you decide to come back. Have a blessed week!
