Wednesday, April 7, 2010

VTT - Vintage Kitchen Things

This postcard advertises Sears sinks and cabinets. That is a Coldspot refrigerator in the picture, probably the 1946 model. Below is the description from the back of the postcard. The cabinets appear to be steel, a type that was popular for postwar kitchens.

This week I am showing my vintage red kitchen thingies. I just bought the Bromwell's Measuring Sifter at a thrift store yesterday. I already had two vintage sifters, and I can't even remember the last time I used one. My other sifters have the type of handle that you squeeze to sift. This one has a red crank mechanism like the sifter my mother had. The Hazel Atlas nut grinder was bought at a thrift store more than thirty years ago and is just like the one my mother had. I used to use the grinder before they started selling chopped nuts for less than whole ones.

The other items I don't use, though I do keep them with my other kitchen utensils in case I need them. The Ekco tomato slicer on top is something I bought long ago, but I didn't even know what it was until I saw one on a blog.

I'm participating in Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. I have a sifter like that too, and I use it all the time. They last forver.

  2. All of these have been in our family homes through the years. I still have a few of them.

  3. My mum still has a sifter like that! I love the little grinder.

  4. Great postcard. My neighbors when I was growing up had white, steel kitchen cabinets. I think they are still in the house today.

  5. I love your kitchen items, love the red....and that postcard is great! Have a great VTT!

  6. I so love vintage kitchen ware! Happy Vintage Thursday!

  7. I just love vintage Kitchen items. And yours look great!


  8. Those fridges are incredible. My MIL had one in her backyard (yes, outside) by the pool until a couple of years ago. She would unplug it for the winter and plug it back in the summer and it made everything nice and frosty.

  9. Love that vintage kitchen picture and specially loved the vintage kitchen tools. Yours are just extra nice condition. Happy VTT..have a great weekend.

  10. Looks like my grandmother's refrigerator. I have several of these utensils also. As for the sifter, mine has been stuck in a cabinet for a long time. Thank God for convienence foods!

  11. Vintage house wares are my absolute faves! I must get an Ecko tomato slicer it is soooo cool!

  12. If I may, I would like to save a picture of your postcard. Now to find a picture of my parents kitchen from the middle 1940's. They had those metal cabinets from Sears. I remember them growing up and then in the late 1960's they were replaced with wood ones.

  13. Wonderful red handled kitchenalia!

    My parents had a Sears metal kitchen cabinet that they used for extra storage-it was kept in the basement and filled with lovely things!

  14. I live in my grandparents house and had cabinets similar to these. I have no idea if ours were bought at Sears but it wouldn't surprise me. Sometimes I wish we had not replaced them. Thanks for coming by. The possibly 'feedsack' appliques are in better shape than the background fabric. Love your kitchen items. I didn't know the tomato slicer either!

  15. Fun to see these vintage kitchen items. These were what were in my mother's kitchen when I was a child.

  16. I have the same sifter you can't beat them for efficiency! And I love the large size of them.
