Thursday, May 27, 2010

PFF - Gorillas

The gorilla Bulu was born in 1946 in West Africa and came to Florida's Monkey Jungle in 1950 when he was four years old. He died at the age of 33 in 1979.

There was an article in my local newspaper today about the recent death of a Como Zoo (St. Paul, Minnesota) gorilla named Gordy. Gordy died suddenly of heart disease at the age of 23. According to that article, there are more than 360 gorillas living in 52 North American zoos. Wild gorillas can live into their 30s, while those in captivity can live past 50.

Western lowland gorillas are the kind kept in zoos. These gorillas have become endangered in the wild. It is estimated that their numbers have decreased by more than 50 percent in the last decade.

This post was inspired by the gorilla story I saw on the news this week. This video shows the reunion in the wild between a young gorilla and the man who raised him.

Hug Your Cat Day

I added this when I learned that today is "Hug Your Cat Day." Actually, there seems to be little agreement on the date. When I looked it up, there were many dates listed between early May and early June. Personally, I'd much rather hug a cat than a gorilla!


  1. Wonderful story, the video was very moving, thank you

  2. I have a soft spot for Gorillas--this is a lovely post. Happy PFF!

  3. Fascinating, thank you and Happy PFF!

  4. Gorillas are awesome, and so is your post. My sister is addicted to photographing zoos, and one of her Gorilla photos has just been bought by a postcard company. Here's the address of her Flickr site:

    I am really proud of her.

  5. Talk about black and white! I'll take the image of the lady with her cat.

  6. The gorilla stories, and the video are fantastic. I had heard about this man meeting up with his long lost friend, but hadn't seen it. Thanks for posting!

  7. Great cards! Love the gorilla story .. amazing. Wonderful post. Happy PFF!

  8. Gorillas have wonderful eyes, and a fascinating video. To hug a gorilla might be a little scary but with those long arms it would be a super hug.

  9. Postcardy, love gorillas and your gorilla postcard! Who knew it was "Hug Your Cat" day? Ha! :)
