Thursday, May 20, 2010

PFF - Mountains Near Red Lodge, Mountain

The picture on this postcard is © 1946 by Flash's Studio, Kay Egenes. Flash's Studio was named after Forrest Flashman. The studio was bought by Kathrine Psenda in 1933. It is currently operated by Thomas Egnes, son of Kathrine Psenda Egenes, and his wife.

The postcard shows "The Land of the Shining Mountains" 27 miles from Red Lodge on Highway 12 in early spring, just after the Beartooth highway was opened for travel. Many of the snowfields remained throughout the summer.

It takes weeks to clear the highway. The stretch over the top of the Beartooth Mountains south of Red Lodge is the highest in Montana and Wyoming. The highway is usually open for Memorial Day, but sometimes it is not open until some time in June.


  1. My postcard this week is of Glacier National Park - similar scenery! They are still digging our Going to the Sun road.

  2. What a perfectly lovely postcard! I really enjoyed the scenery--all that snow. lol

    Happy PFF!

  3. I've made several trips on the Beartooth, but my most recent journey was over Kings Hill, which is the highest pass in Montana that is kept open all year round.

  4. By The Way - your comment about the possible Maximum Card - If you'd like to make one, purchase the stamp and affix it to your card. Send me an email or comment on my blog, as the Cancel will be available for sixty days in Monarch. The postmaster has already received a number of max card requests, so she knows what to do. If you need help sending for the cancel, or the stamp, just ask. I'm more than willing to help you.

  5. Wonderful mountains, Postcardy! I'd be a little nervous to drive them, though, in early Spring! Great PFF entry! :)

  6. Love the inserted video clip. Looks like a scary road to drive on!

  7. Love that little red car but possibly prefer a modern heated car while driving through snow. What a great road.

  8. What an unusual postcard! quite beautiful.
