Sunday, May 9, 2010

SS - Barney's Market Club, Chicago

Barney's Market Club was a Chicago restaurant known for its steaks and prime ribs. It was founded by Barney Kessel in 1919 and lasted for more than 70 years. Barney greeted all his customers with the phrase "Yes sir, Senator." This greeting was said to result from Barney's poor memory for names of his customers, which included many politicians.

The back of this postcard has information reprinted from a 1947 newspaper article about how Barney's had been rated seventh in the country in a "Where to Eat" guide published by the Darnell Corporation. The top 50 eating places included twelve in Chicago.

Smorgasbord Sundays (SS)
restaurant and food postcards


  1. amazing advertising card even if it's pretty horrific for me (vegetarian of over 20 years' standing!)

  2. Hi

    I have a menu from Barney's that an elderly lady had for years. Is there anyone that collects these? Looks at best i can tell from June of 1954.

    email me if anyone has an interest or info.
    thanks so much

  3. Barney was my godfather. He was married to my grandmother's sister. He was a very cool guy.
