Sunday, October 17, 2010

SS - Mader's German Restaurant, Milwaukee. WI

Mader's "Milwaukee's Nationally Famous German Restaurant" has been in business since 1902. It seems to as popular as ever, and even has a website and Facebook page. Over the years, Mader's has published many different postcards--so many that you could have a sizable collection of just their postcards.

The above postcard explains one of their German specialties Kalbshaxen in a comic manner. The English translation of Kalbshaxen is "Roast Veal Shank." This postcard encourages people to "Take me home or send me to a friend" on the front, and the stamp box on the back says "We will gladly Affix Stamp--Address and hand to Waiter." The back also has a P.S.: "Next time you come to Mader's ask for one of their large Schnitzelank Chart--They're FREE."

Mader's also had postcards showing a Schnitzelbank Chart. These charts were used in singing the Schnitzelbank Song--a German drinking (or friendship) song. On the back of the card below, a 21"x34" Wall Chart is offered FREE for the asking. The instructions in the stamp box mention "cashier or waitress" instead of "waiter."

Smorgasbord Sundays (SS)
restaurant and food postcards


  1. As long as it comes with potato dumplings, anything on the menu is fine with me.

  2. My sister's high school German class took a field trip to Mader's back in the '70s. It sounded like they had a great time and great food. I was in Spanish, so I never got there, even though it's only about 1-1/2 hours away from where I live. Thanks for sharing these, they're great!
