Thursday, December 30, 2010

PFF - Ded Moroz & Snegurochka - New Year Greetings

During the Soviet years Christmas celebrations and customs in the Soviet Union were shifted to New Year's. This Russian New Year postcard shows the Russian version of Santa Claus, Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost), and his granddaughter/helper Snegurochka (Snow Maiden). They are traveling in a troika, a sleigh pulled by a team of three horses harnessed abreast.

This card is © USSR Ministry of Communications 1988. It is one of the cards included in my video Snegurochka & Ded Moroz - Russian New Year Postcards.


  1. That is an outstaning postcard. So colorful

  2. The cards are all so beautifully coloured. I didn't know what a troika was before now, apart from a pottery in England called Troika. Now I'm wondering why they called it that.

  3. Just beautiful - the colors are wonderful. I can see some of them made into quilted wall hangings! Thank you for the lovely video. Happy New Year. Carol

  4. Love the Russian artwork. Always so colorful. Wonderful post. Happy New Year and Happy PFF!

  5. Howdy
    WOW what amazing cards !
    Happy PFF and a very happy New Year too :)
    As always you provide us with such amazing information and treasures to enjoy thank you for sharing .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  6. Now that is one cool card! Does the artist get any credit? Wonderful art work, and once again, this is a tidbit I did not know about regarding the holiday season.

  7. Splendid artwork! You should see Russian/Soviet animated cartoon movies about winter fairy tales. Disney has no monopoly on animator talent.

  8. Lovely! I enjoyed the postcards - artful and fanciful and certainly colorful. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  9. Beautiful postcard... love all the colors!

    Thanks for sharing Happy PFF

  10. Postcardy - if you send me your address I'll send you a Weinermobile card - I've got a few extra! send to
