Thursday, January 6, 2011

PFF - Christmas & New Years Postcards

This postcard is part of the New Year Bird Series. According to the ad on the back of the card, it is a sample of the Christmas and New Years Post Cards given for subscribing to Up-to-Date Farming about a hundred years ago. What an offer! For 25 cents you could get a one year subscription and 15 postcards! For 50 cents you could get a two year subscription and 50 postcards! I would have subscribed just to get the postcards.


  1. I'm ready to sign up! I bought my 2011 calendar, which came with a discounted membership to the Audubon Society, so now I get a subscription to The Warbler newspaper too. I am just all about birds these days. next thing you know, I'll be buying a pair of binoculars.

  2. I'll bet that lots of folks signed up for these and for the very reason you've stated - they're really neat cards!

  3. Oh, what a find!! You have a beautiful collection of cards, I peeked down through your posts. Lisa
