Thursday, January 20, 2011

PFF - John F. Kennedy - 50 Years Later

John F. Kennedy was inaugurated 50 years ago on January 20, 1961. I visited Washington D. C. in the spring of 1961, and I still have the postcards I bought then. I will always remember the day that Kennedy was killed because November 22 is my birthday.

I agree with the description of this video where it is stated "It was 50 years ago… But for many of us of a certain age it seems like yesterday. "


  1. These are probably worth a good amount of money-neat-great history lesson!

  2. what a great souvenir. I was too young to remember the assassination, but I know that virtually everyone who was old enough to talk remembers where they were when they heard the news.

  3. What a wonderful card to have and how tragic that he died on your birthday. My grandmother passed down a white hardback book printed by Time, I think, on JFK. I didn't know she had it until we were going through things after my mom died. I was born in '62, so I don't remember that day, but my parents made sure I knew who he was.
    Happy PFF!
    Hugs- Tete

  4. Nice post, especially the history lesson!

  5. It struck me when I noticed the birth date of 1917 that it seemed impossible for he seems ever young and of the modern era.

  6. Howdy
    Happy PFF to you :)
    Great post !
    Some moments in History seem timeless.
    Thank you for sharing with us .
    Until next time
    Happy Trails

  7. What a great card. I didn't realize Jan. 20 was 50 years. We went to the 6th floor museum a couple years ago and I bought postcards from his last days here in Texas.

  8. Hi,

    I really enjoyed your post. Thank you for sharing the nice card and the video. Thank you, too, for stopping by to say hello.

    Take care,


  9. C. S. Lewis, Aldous Huxley and JFK all died on the same day; it was years before I stumbled across that fact.

  10. Great card. I was in the cinema when he was killed. They stopped the picture and put a hand written announcement on the screen.
