Thursday, February 24, 2011

PFF - Florida Tulips

This postcard is titled Tulip Time in Florida. On the back is this description: "It is a beautiful sight to see the Holland tulips during February in full bloom in the Mead Botanical Gardens." The card was published in 1940 in the same year that Mead Botanical Gardens was dedicated.

This card leads one to believe that tulips grow well in Florida, which is not true. It is possible to grow tulips in Florida, but the climate is unfavorable. The bulbs need a period of cold for eight weeks in a refrigerator before planting, and they probably will not bloom more than once. For instructions, see How to Plant Tulips in Florida.


  1. Beautiful postcard-makes me want spring to get here!

  2. I don't think that gal is wearing traditional Florida garb (heh heh), but it's a cool card!

  3. I think it is the flower growers nature to battle against nature. Beautiful flowers, they don't much like the clay soil here either, that Dutch sandy is ideal.

  4. Interesting! It's so much easier to replicate a Dutch costume than a flower environment. :)

  5. I love tulips and they are difficult to grow here. Have to replant every year. Fun post. Happy PFF!

  6. A tulip festival here in Florida? Who'd a thunk it? I miss the spring flowers - I planted masses of them in Michigan and searched for snowdrops beneath the snow and ice just to know that spring was really on the way.

  7. At first, I thought the PC must be from Holland, MI. How interesting that it is in Florida. I'm so ready to see the flowers of spring!
