Saturday, March 12, 2011

International Women's Day Card & Stamp

March 8 is International Women's Day. This holiday is celebrated in Russia and other countries, but is little known in the United States. This postcard has a March 8, 1967 cancellation on the front. There is a 1967 Soviet stamp commemorating International Women's Day in the center of the postcard back. The stamp on the back also has the March 8 cancellation. The stamp is quite large--about 2" X 2".

The words on the front of the card are "The Holiday March 8." The words on the stamp are "International Women's Day" on the top and "Mail USSR 1967" on the bottom.

See my previous post International Women's Day - Russia Celebrates for another nice International Women's Day postcard with a woman delivering mail.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Ah I wish this holiday were better known in the USA. AND that I had known about it, so that I could make it a theme. well, if sunday stamps lasts a year, I can make it a theme next year.

  2. There has been a bit in the press in the UK and on TV about International Women's Day. Not a holiday though.
    Coincidently I was sifting through a pile of loose stamps and came across one commemorating the British suffragettes - perhaps I'll keep it for next year's theme.
    When I first started keeping stamps I set out to keep those with different shapes. This Russian stamp would have been a must.

  3. Wonderful card! I think I remember reading that some countries celebrate International Women's Day in place of Mothers' Day.

  4. It seems to be celebrated more in the west in recent years, perhaps because this year is its anniversary. Pretty card, and great stamp shape.

  5. Great stamp and I too like the shape. It's a wonderful cause for all of us to unite.

  6. Such a great card - you so rarely see cards with more than one culture! I love it!

  7. Nice card! The propaganda has placed the white woman as The Unifier...:)
