Monday, April 18, 2011

Longfellow Gardens - Minneapolis, Minnesota

A few days ago I showed a postcard of the Camels at Longfellow Zoological Gardens. Today's postcard is a view of the gardens. The statue on the left side of the picture is the poet Longfellow shown wearing a toga. The statue is made of sandstone and was erected in 1908. It is all that remains of the old Longfellow Gardens. The gardens and buildings were removed in 1936.

A handwritten note on the back of the card says "Minus paper & all sorts of debris usually in evidence here."


  1. What a shame all of that was removed. it must have been a wonderful spot to stroll.

  2. I love those panther statues in the pool! (I assume they're panthers)

  3. You have such a neat collection...always something unique!
