Saturday, May 14, 2011

Arkansas Stamps

This postcard was issued by the Arkansas Postcard Club. The state's official nickname, "The Natural State" was originally created (as "Arkansas Is A Natural") for state tourism advertising.

This postcard shows five stamps with Arkansas as the subject:
3¢ Arkansas Centennial
Issued on June 15, 1936, in observance of the 100th anniversary of Arkansas statehood. The central design features the Old State House in Little Rock. At lower left is a depiction of Arkansas Post, the first European settlement in Arkansas, established as a French trading post on the Arkansas River in 1686, and later the first territorial capital. At lower right is the present Arkansas State Capitol.

6¢ Arkansas River Navigation
The Arkansas River Navigation stamp was issued October 1, 1968. This stamp was in recognition of the economic potential of the $1.2 billion project, which was nearing completion. It eventually provided Arkansas, Kansas, and Oklahoma with a barge route to the Mississippi River and became one of the nation's major inland waterways.

13¢ Arkansas State Flag
In observance of the American Bicentennial, a pane of stamps depicting the flag of each of the Union's fifty states was issued on February 23, 1976. The state flags are represented horizontally on the pane in the order in which they entered the Union. This was the first pane with fifty different stamps ever issued.

20¢ Mockingbird and Apple Blossom
A pane of fifty 20-cent commemorative stamps featuring the official birds and flowers of the fifty states in the United States was issued April 14, 1982.

22¢ Arkansas Statehood
This stamp marking the 150th anniversary of Arkansas statehood was issued January 3, 1986. Arkansas entered the Union in 1836 as the nation's 25th state. The design features a partial view of Arkansas' Old State House.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. I had no idea there were that many stamps featuring Arkansas. We traveled through part of that State two or three years ago -- stayed in several nice RV Parks and we really enjoyed the State, which surprised us for some reason. We really want to go back.

  2. Wonderful collection! I am also trying to collect all US states for my stamp and postcard collections. I had a bit of a challenge in finding a stamp for this week's theme so I stretched my interpretation of the theme to fit my entry :)

    Have a great Sunday.

  3. State stamps - this is an interesting theme. I wonder why the UK doesn't do something similar for our counties. We just differentiate between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and then not with commemoratives.
    Are the Arkansas stamps only issued in that State/

  4. I know a whole lot more about Arkansas now. A lot of thought has gone into the selection of stamps. I am always fascinated by different birds. flowers etc adopted by each of the states.

  5. A wonderful collection. For design I like the first one and the mockingbird stamp, that is very pretty.

  6. I didn't realise it was a card at first. It looks like the stamps are on a piece of granite.

  7. Nice! I've been thinking of sharing my US stamps,but change my mind later.

    My Sunday Stamp

  8. A great collection! US SStates could be a meme, but then what are other countries to do?
    I think I have the whole pane that the mocking bird stamp came from - that is a great set.
