Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pedro's South of the Border Highway Signs

These are some of the signs leading to Pedro's South of the Border, in South Carolina at the border between North Carolina and South Carolina.

From the back of the postcard:
Pedro's SOUTH of the BORDER highway signs brighten your trip for 400 miles of U.S. 301 and Interstate 95, from Virgina to Georgia . . . And all the signs lead to PEDRO'S!"
Here is some information on the signs from the South of the Border website.
Around 175 billboards are north and south from the Virginia/North Carolina state lines to the South Carolina/Georgia state lines. (At one time there were more than 250 different billboards from Philadelphia, PA to Daytona Beach, FL.) Many of these billboards are on I-95. They are also north and south on Highway 301/501, east and west on Highways 9 & 17. There are a few billboards on I-20.

I'm participating in Signs, Signs


  1. Cool signs. "South of the Border" here in Canada means the U.S.A. :)

  2. Great signs. Is that place still in business?

  3. How cool that you have this series in your collection! I wonder if the restaurant is still there ... and if the billboards are still there as well.

  4. these signs would make the trip entertaining.

  5. Visit the South of the Border website to learn more about this roadside attraction:

  6. Love these kind of signs - gives you a smile as you drive by.

  7. These kinds of signs are a rarity nowadays. All ours seem to be standard ones with no sense of humour. Then again, it would be prohibitively expensive to have so many on the highway.

  8. Is this a case of the grass being greener on the other side? :-)

  9. These are really cool signs. It seems like I have seen some of them gong to and from Florida.

  10. Like these signs very cool and creative. Happy weekend!


  11. These are really funny!
    To me, south of the border means Mexico. Never thought about what it means to the "North" or "South" states. :)

  12. very very nice signs.

  13. Great shots! I'm personally a fan of billboards...can clearly remember our Canadian roads being filled with them in the Fifties. They're a unique slice of history, a marker of time and place..lovely that you got a set of photos...:)

  14. Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen one of those billboards, thanks!

  15. Pedro's postcards are great, and there's lots of them out there!

  16. I remember those signs from a real long time ago. For some reason, one stuck in my mind. "Every room is heir-conditioned"

    That would send me looking for the nearest Holiday Inn!

  17. Those signs would be a fun part of a journey. I hopped over onto your link and saw the sombrero restaurant, love it. I live south of a border, it just happens to be Scotland.

  18. Great mosaic. This blog is so cool!

  19. You kinda' have to like those kind of billboards when you're on the road a lot.

  20. I can't believe this place still exists. These signs bring back road trip memories. The kids were little and it was a place to take a break driving from our home in Virginia to places south. Thanks for the memories.
