Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jacksonville Zoo Sign

This postcard shows a sign pointing to the entrance of the Jacksonville, Florida Zoo. I don't know the age of this card, but I doubt that this sign is still there. The zoo began a major redevelopment in 1992, and the first phase included a new front entry gate and parking lot. The name of the zoo was officially changed from the Jacksonville Zoo to the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens in 2003.

I'm participating in Signs, Signs


  1. Well, just about everyone loves giraffes so that was a great sign!

  2. That looked like an older sign somehow. Giraffes are my favorite animal at the zoo so I would have voted not to change the sign if they asked me. But they didn't. So. There.

  3. I like big arrows, and of course giraffes and primary colours.

  4. I like older signs for their simplicity - they are not overloaded with too much information - where you are and how to get in, that's all you need!

  5. a pretty neat postcard.

  6. What a cool sign for the zoo. Incidentally, I lived in Ortega when I was in grammar school for a year while my dad was at the Naval Air Station. That was 60 years ago!!!!!!!

  7. In spite of the renovation, they should have kept the sign, it's a classic!

  8. can't miss this sign. the giraffe makes it attractive.:p

  9. The first I notice is the giraffe.. then the arrow. Love that the giraffe's neck is pointing in the same direction as the arrow's :)

    Have a great week.

  10. I Bet Visitors Had A Sore Neck looking Up At This Sign! [Lovely Vivid Colours..]

  11. A great sign, a great postcard.

  12. I like good old looking signs. It's more captivating to the eyes of the kids and to the not so kid anymore ^_^


  13. Great sign. It's almost certainly gone, just like the landmark sign that once graced the entrance to the Fort Worth Zoo. Progress....who needs it?

  14. Before reading your post I was thinking this had a cool retro look to it. Nice.

    [After reading all the comments I realize the message of my sign is not so obvious. It's a poop and scoop reminder, with notice that there's a Euro 36 fine for failure to do so. :-D ]
