Saturday, June 11, 2011

Norwegian Olympic Stamps

This postcard shows the ten stamps issued by the Norwegian Postal Service to mark the 1994 Winter Olympic Games held in Lillehammer, Norway. The stamps were designed to show that there is more to the Olympic Games than sport alone. The Olympics are also a place for cultural exchange where nations gather and celebrate their togetherness.

The first two stamps (top left) in the series were issued on October 9, 1992. Their theme is Lillehammer and Norway. The host city was profiled by silhouette sketches of its leading
cultural attractions.

The next stamps (top right) were issued at the beginning of the torch relay on November 27, 1993. The torch relay criss-crossed Norway for 75 days on a 8000 kilometre journey. The national flame was timed to arrive at the opening ceremony in Lillehammer on February 12, 1994 and be united with the Olympic flame from ancient Olympia.

February 12, 1994 was the opening day of the XVII Winter Olympic Games. It was also the day-of-issue for the last two special sets. The first set (center) consisted of four stamps with the theme of nations coming together to compete in Lillehammer, Norway in 1994. The second set of two stamps (bottom left and right) honors the competitors and visitors of nations which have NOCs recognized by the IOC. One portrays a parade of the national flags of Europe, and the other portrays flags from elsewhere in the world.

Norways Olympic Stamps tells about these stamps and also some other sports theme stamps issued by Norway.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. A nice theme, capturing the ideals of the Olympics. Lillehammer is a name I remember, with a beautiful setting. Or it could be because we had medal hopes.

  2. I remember Lillehammer too. I always thought it was a lovely name. I don't think I came across the stamps though.

  3. Thank you for posting Norwegian stamps. They are pretty rare as there are so few postcrossers from Norway!

  4. The four stamps together look great. A good choice for today! Thanks for participating!

  5. What a fantastic sheet! I have only I always look forward to the Olympics - whether it's the summer or winter games because I look forward to the stamp issues :) I, too, clearly remember Lillehammer. In fact, I have a postcard from that beautiful winter wonderland.

  6. You have written "The second set of two stamps (bottom left and right) honors the competitors and visitors of nations which have NOCs recognized by the IOC. One portrays a parade of the national flags of Europe, and the other portrays flags from elsewhere in the world. Can you please elaborate what exactly NOCs stand for?

  7. In this context, I assume that since IOC stands for International Olympic Committee, then NOC stands for National Olympic Committee.
