Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sequoia National Park Entrance Sign

Sequoia National Park is located in the southern Sierra Nevada in California. It was established in 1890 and is famous for its giant sequoia trees. The park's General Sherman tree is the largest tree on Earth.

The Ash Mountain Entrance Sign pictured on this vintage postcard was constructed in 1935 by Civilian Conservation Corps craftsmen. It features a Native American face carved from blocks of sequoia wood.

I'm participating in Signs, Signs


  1. I would love to see tat park! I HAVE seen some very old and enormous trees on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, but I have never seen the ones in California.

  2. Great photo! This park is still on my list of places to see...:)

  3. i saw the General Sherman tree in National Geographic--it's a stunner. this must be an interesting park to visit.

  4. Great sign...I would also love to visit this park!

  5. This is a different park sign. I would love to visit. One of these days, just maybe, we will make it out there. Like the Indian. Genie

  6. Another great card - your collection must be wonderful!

  7. One of the great parks I've seen. As pretty as Yosemite but without all the crowd.

  8. Pretty amazing sign with great history. I hope to visit some day.

  9. would love to see the Gen. Sherman tree!

  10. I have never been to Sequoia National Park - though I've driven close by a few times! Sigh.

    I would love to see the General Sherman tree. It's gorgeous.

    I love the sign on your postcard, too!

  11. I have never been to that park, but I would love to go! That is a pretty awesome photo!

    I see you reference Roadside America in your tag line. That is one of my favorite web sites. We are full time RV-ers and are constantly looking for odd attractions to visit. I write about them on my blog. We visited Carhenge in April. I've posted several things, myself, on roadside america, too!

  12. I've been to this park and it is among my favorites. I've seen large sequoias near San Francisco, in Oregon and Vancouver Island, too. They are just so magnificent. I don't remember this park sign, but it sure is a beaut!
