Saturday, July 9, 2011

Patriotic U. S. Postage Stamps

The two-cent "Birth of Liberty" stamp is one of three stamps issued on April 4, 1925 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord, the first conflicts of the American Revolutionary War.

The 5-dollar "Head of Freedom Statue" stamp was issued on March 20, 1923 as part of a definitive series. It shows the head of the sculpture atop the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. The Statue of Freedom was erected on December 2, 1863, in the midst of the Civil War. This stamp is incorrectly labeled "America."

The four-cent stamp with the George Washington quote was issued in 1960. The "American Credo Series" of 1960-1961 was issued to underscore the ideals upon which the nation stands. The series features quotations from six American patriots: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Frances Scott Key, Abraham Lincoln, and Patrick Henry.

These stamps are shown on postcards that are part of a series of eighteen postcards issued during the 1976 American Bicentennial. The postcards were issued to promote Oklahoma's Bicentennial Stamp Exhibition. The following stamps were illustrated on the eighteen postcards:
  1. The Birth of Liberty - 1926 2¢ stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington-Concord
  2. The Minute Man - 1926 ¢¢ stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington-Concord
  3. Bennington Flag 1777 - 1968 6¢ stamp, first American flag made with stars and stripes
  4. The Liberty Bell - 1926 2¢ stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence
  5. Benjamin Franklin - 1956 3¢ stamp commemorating 250th anniversary of his birth
  6. Ft. Moultrie Flag 1776 - 1968 6¢ stamp, flag flown during defense of fort on Sullivan's Island off Charleston, S.C.
  7. The Marquis de Lafayette - 1952 3¢ stamp commemorating 1777 arrival of Lafayette in America
  8. The Battle of Yorktown - 1931 2¢ stamp commemorating the 150th anniversary of the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown
  9. Betsy Ross - 1952 3¢ stamp commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of Betsy Ross
  10. Alexander Hamilton - 1957 3¢ stamp commemorating 200th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Hamilton
  11. First Stars and Stripes 1777 - 1968 6¢ stamp, flag design adopted by Congress in 1777
  12. The Washington Credo - 1960 4¢ stamp with words spoken by Washington in his farewell address
  13. The Burgoyne Campaign - 1927 2¢ stamp commemorating the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne in 1777
  14. Grand Union Flag 1776 - 1968 6¢ stamp, flag was the first "Stars and Stripes" displayed in battle
  15. Thomas Jefferson - 1904 2¢ stamp in Louisiana Purchase Exposition commemorative series
  16. America - 1923 5¢ stamp shows the Head of Freedom on the statue on the Capitol Dome
  17. U.S. Postage Stamp Centenary - 1947 3¢ stamp commemorating 100 years of Postal Service. Washington (the First President) and Franklin (the First Postmaster General) were the first persons to be honored on U.S. stamps.
  18. American Revolution Bicentennial - 1971 8¢ stamp showing the official emblem of the Bicentennial Commission designed by Chermayeff & Geismar.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Thanks for sharing these old stamps. I am such a fan! I wish I can find still find that envelope containing my old stamps collection. I wish I was wrong that the termites ate them all :(

  2. I love looking at vintage stamps. I wish I could still find vintage stamps from my country.

    Visiting via Sunday Stamps. Here's my entry: Rizal@150

  3. In a visit to the Bennignton VT museum I saw the old flag- it's very faded. I was surprised it was on display not carefully stored away. thanks for participating!

  4. I like the 4 cents stamp. Thanks for the very great info too.
