Saturday, August 6, 2011

Liechtenstein Stamps

Here are two postcards featuring stamps of the principality of Liechtenstein. The postcards share a common image of the Vaduz Castle in their centers. Vaduz is the capital of Liechtenstein, and Vaduz Castle is the most prominent landmark of Vaduz. The castle is the official residence of the reigning prince of Liechtenstein and his family.

The first postcard was mailed in 1966, and one of the stamps used also shows Vaduz Castle. The two stamps pictured in the top row center of the postcard show Princess Gina and Prince Franz Joseph II. Prince Franz Joseph II was the Sovereign Prince of Liechtenstein from 1938 until his death in 1989. The current reigning Prince of Liechtenstein is Hans-Adam II, the son of Franz Joseph II.

The stamp in the top left corner of the second postcard is the oldest and shows Prince Johan II who reigned 1868-1929 . It is from the period of Austrian administration of the post office. Since 1921 the post office has been administered by Switzerland.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. What a novel way of showing off the stamps of a country on postcards. I enjoyed enlarging them. I've even translated Fürstentum.

  2. I agree with Bob, great concept. What a place to live, and to wake surrounded by mountains.

  3. Are they hand made cards? They are really excellent.

  4. I see last week's Sunday Stamps inspired you :-)
    I looked at this area in Google earth and it's it'sreally beautiful!
    Thanks for participating!

  5. You have interesting post, and amazing postcard and stamps collection. I'm amazed. Thanks for sharing informative post about the stamps as well.

  6. Beautiful postcards, they do showcase the stamps very nicely.

  7. Great history! It's hard to beat castles on stamps. Always fascinating architecture. Thanks for sharing everything!

  8. I wish to received a postcards like that,decorated with many beautiful stamps!
