Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fishy Stamps

First I have a 1985 postcard from Greenland showing a stamp that was issued that year. The words at the top of the postcard and the stamp Kalaallit Nunaat mean "Land of the Greenlanders." Reinhardtius hippoglossoides is the name of the fish that is pictured, also known as the Greenland halibut or Greenland turbot. This is a deepwater fish mainly found in water with temperatures from 1-4 °C.

Greenland is an island that is located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. Physiographically it is a part of the continent of North America, but it is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark.

The back of the postcard has an address to write for further information about Greenland stamps. Now you can find information about Greenland stamps on the web at

I received an envelope in the mail this week with a colorful fish stamp, so I scanned that too. This is a 39-cent stamp that was issued in 2006. It shows the Longest Reef (off the Florida Keys) and is one of the forty stamps on a sheet "Wonders of America: Land of Superlatives." The superlatives include natural and man-made wonders that are the longest, tallest, largest, fastest, etc. in the United States .

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. First! Both excellent choices! Thanks for participating. I don't tink I'll ever get a Postcrossing postcard from Greenland - I'll have to check out the stamps website.

  2. What a great & interesting choice of stamps.

  3. Don't think I've ever seen a postcard or stamp from Greenland before.

  4. Nice contrast of warm and cold waters. I've never thought about the type of stamps Greenland issue, now I'm off to find out.

  5. In my Album Greenland is included under Denmark, but your's is the first of their stamps I have seen. We tend to associate Iceland more with fish than Greenland so it was good to see their halibut on a stamp.

  6. wow! a Greenland stamp!! Im so envious! I have none from there...and this is a really authentic one related to the island!

  7. Cool stamps!
    Now, look at the world map and ask yourself WHY is Greenland an island, and Australia a continent?

  8. I used to work for someone who spent some time each year in Greenland. I didn't think to ask for either cards or stamps.

  9. The name, America: Land of Superlatives is interesting. :) Thanks for sharing a stamp from that collection.
