Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pan American Games

This is a postcard picturing the 22-cent stamp commemorating the 10th Pan American Games that was issued on January 29, 1987. The games took place in August, 1987 at various sites in the state of Indiana, with most of the events being held in Indianapolis. Over 6,500 athletes and officials from 38 nations took part in the these games.

The first Pan American Games were in 1951. Athletes from Western Hemisphere nations participate in the games. The Pan American Games are held every four years in the summer, one year before the Summer Olympics. They were last held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2007. The 2011 Pan American Games will be held in Guadalajara, Mexico and nearby cities from October 14–30. Approximately 6,000 athletes from 42 nations are expected to participate in 36 sports. The 2015 games will be in Toronto, Canada.

I love the design of this Pan American Games stamp. It features a stylized representation of a sprinter composed of various geometric shapes. The runner's image is repeated in successively fainter shades from right to left. The style reminds me of Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase, Futurism, and also anatomical drawings of the muscular system.

I am participating in Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. that is truly a splendid piece of art to be found on a stamp.

  2. I love how the stamp gives an illusion of motion. :)

  3. I love its redness...
    first time to join sunday stamp..

  4. Gives a marvellous impression of speed, I can almost imaging it bursting out of the stamp. Great graphic design, sport must be one of the most difficult things to portray on stamps.

  5. Lovely stamp, and like someone has already said, there is a feeling of motion.

  6. I like how the human body was illustrated in this stamp. And the color, my favorite.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. It does look like an anatomical drawing. Beautiful.

  8. That's beautiful I don't think I saw that when it cam out, so I'm delighted to see it now.
