Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November 2, 1914 - Thanksgiving Greetings

I keep my postcards of Thanksgiving children in an album, so I usually don't see the backs. I discovered that this postcard has a long, interesting, and easily readable message when I was picking postcards to use in a Thanksgiving Fun postcard video I was making. It was written on November 2, 1914--97 years ago today. I think it really gives an idea of what daily life was like back then.

Nov. 2, 1914. Got your card this morning. It was real pretty. I intended to ans. it on a Thanks. card, but forgot so will write one now. I started to hunt you one today and decided this was the cutest I had. Mama picked its mate to send to Esther S. I seem to have missed answering one of your cards - Hello, People. I don't think your telephone calls were very fairly divided a week ago Sun. but maybe your turn hadn't come yet.
Leah and Catherine were here today. Had quite a nice visit. Gail and Aunt Kate came over a little while toward eve. with the team so the girls didn't have to walk home. I suppose they had an errand at Verna's so just drove around. I gave Catherine her apron. Finished one of papa's shirts today. Have the other 3 started. Guess I'd better quit as it's after 10. We've got 18 eggs several days lately. Pretty good for 30 hens. Some of the pullets are laying I think. Is this tobacco tag any good? Don't know where I got it, found it among some of your scraps maybe - I do sometimes.Any way I found it when I went to clean my safe drawer yesterday so will send it to you.
Katie to Algie

The card below is from the same series but has no writing on the back. It could have been the "mate" mentioned on the first card. Personally, I like the first card better. It is easier for me to relate to a girl feeding a turkey than to the fantasy on the second card.

1 comment:

  1. That first postcard is great, particularly with the lengthy message. It's fun to see how some folk would cram the back solid with correspondence...I've even got a card that has the back covered like that, and then they wrote more over it going the other direction! Hard to read, but it could be done.
