Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sand In My Shoes

The above postcard was published by Curt Teich, ca. 1946. I like the overall design and the nicely dressed woman emptying the sand from her shoe, but I don't care much for the verse and the way the background figures look like they are just stuck on there. The children in the foreground don't look like they belong there either. And, what woman would want to walk through the sand in high heels? Nevertheless, this card must have been popular. A revised version (below) was published in 1950. In my opinion, that one is not an improvement!

My favorite version of "Sand In My Shoes" is the one below, which was published by Tichnor ©1951. That one has a more amusing verse and cuter pictures and is not limited to Florida. The children and the scenery look more like my early experiences on the beach.

One of my early childhood memories is of losing my shoes on the beach. Actually, it was my mother's fault. She left them on the edge of the beach, and they weren't there when it was time for us to leave. The pictures of me and my shoes below may show the same shoes and same beach. I remember that the shoes I lost were red and of the same style.

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  1. Delightful pictures of you, and your shoes on the beach. That lady in the first card definitely looks out of place though.

  2. You look like you were having a better time at the beach than any of the women with heels were.

  3. I believe that much of the erosion of our shorelines can be attributed to the amount of sand brought home in little girl's shoes! Great photos.

  4. The shot of you fully dressed with the pail is wonderful. Not your usual beach shot. Envious of those cards. I've never seen them before.

  5. Your photos make this post mcuh more natural behaviour that that shown on the cards.

  6. Oh, you are so cute! I liked the third post card best too.


    Kathy M.

  7. Cute photos! And it's fun to see different versions of the sand in your shoes. I've never seen any of them. High heels on the beach...yikes.

  8. First two cards - I agree, the background figures look out of scale or something!

  9. Oh yes, this is a bright and cheery post! Your pictures as a child are just adorable! I'd write a bit more, but I too have to dump the sand from my shoes! ha ha

  10. That third version of the comic post card works best, doesn't it. I really like the style you cut with those baggy pants and short sweater. Very chic.

  11. Love the picture of you on the breezy beach, so cute. The cards are unusual, and more memorable than the verses.

  12. Before I read your words, I wondered who on earth would go to the beach in shoes like that. I had sandals just like yours when I was little.

  13. Kind of odd postcards when you think of how many other beach scenes would be more popular. Sand in your shoes?
    How many people wear shoes at the beach?

    But I guess you did. It looks like you were dressed for winter. It must have been a cold, cold day at the beach.
    I'm amazed that you had those photos that match so brilliantly with your postcards.

  14. The photos of you are adorable. The blonde drawn on the third postcard looks much more beach-ready than the ladies in the first two. Judging by her bountiful bosom and the fact that no woman I know would have worn shoes that color with that outfit, I think the illustrator must have been a man.

  15. I liked the postcards very much, don't we all know about sand in the shoes? The photos on the beach are delightful. The tiny feet stuck in those sandals, so cute. Ah, it's fine to see and to remember. I must say, I never went to the beach dressed up like the lady in the first postcard, but I remember well dressing up very properly to go shopping in to the city. Pillbox hat, gloves, matching handbag and shoes. We have come away from that with jeans and t-shirts.

  16. A perfect match of postcards and family picture. And your memories brought out my memories. Just less that a year ago I was walking on a Florida beach and getting sand in my shoes.

  17. That is really a great picture of you standing on the beach.

  18. There are some postcards that leave you wondering why they bothered!

    Perhaps someone will see this post and confess to taking your shoes home...

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