Saturday, March 24, 2012

Danish Flower Stamps

This postcard shows two stamps issued by Denmark in 1973 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Jutland Horticultural Society. The flowers are Rhododendron impreditum and Rosa Dronningen af Danmark.

These stamps were engraved by Czeslaw Slania (1921 - 2005) who was an expert and prolific engraver of postage stamps and banknotes. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, he was the most prolific of all stamp engravers, having engraved more than 1000 stamps. Some collectors specialize in stamps engraved by Slania. There is a website showing Slania's stamps and other engravings here.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Thanks for that link to Slania's work. I had no idea he was one of the engravers of two of our banknotes.

  2. Wow, to have engraved 1000 stamps! you know, the name sounds familiar - I must have seen his stamps before. these are lovely too. thank you for joining in.

  3. Thanks for sharing. Reading now about Czeslaw Slania. I really like how these bloghops are teaching me a lot of things :)

  4. I just know I'm going to spend hours looking at stamps engraved by Slania. That Faroese ram is impressive on Wiki. The UK ones I've just taken a brief look at have me hooked.

  5. I had never heard of him before now. I am very happy to find I have a number of cards of his engravings.

  6. That is a phenomenal amount of stamps, I vaguely remember Poland issuing a stamp to celebrate a stamp designer, I will have to look and see if it was him.

  7. How lovely. I can see why people are interested in the engraver himself.

  8. I can understand why some folks would be interested in his work. Lovely!

  9. Having engraved 1000 stamps is just unbelievable! He should have his own stamp already; I mean he should be featured on a stamp for having achieved a remarkable feat!

    Postcards Crossing
