Saturday, March 3, 2012

Swedish Local Traffic Stamps

Above is a postcard picturing the five stamps in the Local Traffic booklet issued by Sweden in 1977. The stamps show five different types of public transportation: horse-drawn tram, modern tram, ferry, articulated bus, and underground train.

horse-drawn tram

modern tram


articulated bus

underground train

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Thank you for joining today! And no I don't mind being shown wrong - just wish I had copies of the USA streetcar stamps. Maybe I'll ahve to search ebay - though I took a personal pledge to Stay Away.

  2. These are lovely stamps, so detailed and meticulous.

  3. Fine stamps, especially the horse-drawn tram.

  4. What a lovely set of stamps. I particularly like the images depicting transportation through the years.

  5. I'm glad you showed them in a larger version, such wonderful detail in the drawing.

  6. such a cool set of stamps! thanks for the zoomed-in version too! it is great to see them in more detail :)

  7. You can really appreciate the designs when they are seen at a larger size.

  8. I didn't have any public transportation stamps - but I love the ones you have shown. Their subway looks a lot like ours (the ones that are being phased out). I feel fore that poor horse!!
