Thursday, May 24, 2012

New Orleans French Market & Café Du Monde

The first postcard is of the CAFÉ DU MONDE. As described on the back:
Original French Market Coffee Stand. Situated in New Orleans, in the Old Historic French Market. Erected 1813 opposite Jackson Square. Following an old New Orleans custom, both home folks and strangers gather nightly to sip this famous blend of "Café au-Lait" with the French doughnuts. The marble counter in this old Establishment is reported to be over 100 years old.

The historic French Market is one of the prime tourist attractions in New Orleans. It has changed since the 1941 postcard above was published. Here is what this postcard has printed on the back:
The new building housing the French Market were completed in January 1938, on the same ground where stood the old French Market originally built in 1791.
I have never been to New Orleans. If I ever go there, I would definitely want to visit the Café Du Monde and have some of their special coffee and beignets. If you have never been there, watch this video to see what you are missing.

For More Vintage Images
Visit Sepia Saturday


  1. I would love to go to New Orleans and visit this cafe. The only time I've had a beignet was in Portland and I'll bet it wasn't the same as ones you'd get in New Orleans. I'd like to try the coffee with chicory, too. I guess I'll have to make a trip to New Orleans!

  2. I've been there. I've never seen so much powdered sugar in all my life. I've never WORN so much powder sugar in all my life either. Yum. (TIP: If you see a LONG line, look around for the OTHER entrance -- you'll go right in.)

  3. I've been there! Loved the postcards and the video. I want to go back to New Orleans so badly.

    Thank you,

    Kathy M.

  4. These are great. I went to New Orleans way back in 1987, during a working holiday in the US between university and work. Seems like a lifetime ago.

  5. Now that's a place I've only read about or seen on films. Not the same somehow.

  6. Oh New Orleans is on my "TO_DO_LIST"!
    [English beignets are rubbish!]

  7. I live only an hour away from New Orleans but haven't been there for several years. Your post reminded me of the times I've visited there in the past and eaten my fair share of those hot, sugary beignets! C'est si bon!

  8. Can't be too healthy, but I would certainly give those beignets a try. Having had chicory as a coffee substitute before, but not by choice, I will agree that it's an acquired taste, but I'd be happy to try the New Orleans variety if I ever get a chance to visit. Great postcards and video.

  9. Whenever I see the adjectives "Original" or "New", I always wonder about the competition. And what's with the view of the kitchen and the gleam of stainless steel? Show me the beignets!

  10. How cool! I've been to the French Quarter, and ate there as well...and even featured in my post this week, Linus Noel serving up Chicory coffee from Cafe Du Monde! What a small coffee world it is! Needless to say, I just really enjoyed your complete post about them, and the cool video telling their story from a more recent relative!

  11. I'm addicted to cafes, I love to visit in different cultures where the cakes and sweets on offer are so different. Those beignets look like they may be a total participation kind of thing in an explosion of sugar.

  12. I'd love to go there and give the cafe a try. It's on my list!

  13. I haven't been to NO but my parents have. We had dinner at a NO style restaurant here by Disneyland of all places and they said the beignets were comparable to the originals. So, if you can get out here to the Jazz Kitchen and then pretend really hard... :-)

  14. Love the postcards,so colorful! I've never been to New Orleans but have always wanted to - we need a road trip!

  15. I've been to New Orleans to visit family but have never been to this particular restaurant. They always took me to local sort of places.

  16. When I got my first car at 16 I thought "now I can go to New Orleans"-a place I had always wanted to visit. It was kind of far from Calif. though especially for a 16 yr. old. 57 years later and I still haven't been there even after quite a well traveled life. I think it's time! Thanks for the reminder.
