Monday, July 2, 2012

Lux Memory Doll House

The Lux Memory Doll House was owned and presented by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Lux of White Bear Lake, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The following information is from the back of these postcards which were published in 1948:
  • Most of the items in this house are 100 years old or more, and all of them are either salesmen's samples, children's toys, or personal keepsakes, some of them perhaps from the home of your own grandparents.
  • This collection required thirty-three years to gather to make it ample for an entire house of ten rooms and is the finest and most complete of its kind in the world.
  • The size of the house is 24 feet long by ten feet wide and weighs 1½ tons.
The doll house was built to one-fourth of life size. It was displayed it at the Minnesota State Fair during for six years, from 1947 to 1953, and was also displayed in other states.

The ad below appeared in The Evening Independent (St. Petersburg, Florida) on Mar 24, 1948 (source: Google News)

The St. Petersburg newpaper also had an article "Lux Memory Doll House Here" about the doll house which gave some additional information.


  1. For 50 cents admission, I'd sure like to take a look.

  2. My dollhouse built by my husband and youngest is not nearly that big, but I cherish it! Perhaps I will blog about it on my site.
    That certainly would be worth seeing in person.
