Saturday, August 25, 2012

Remembering Neil Armstrong -- 1930-2012

The postcard above shows the Apollo 11 astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. Aldrin watching as the space vehicle scheduled to carry them to the moon was positioned on the launch pad. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight which landed the first humans, Americans Armstrong and Aldrin, on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Armstrong was the first to step onto the lunar surface. Collins remained alone in lunar orbit until they returned from the surface. All three astronauts returned to Earth safely after travelling in space for 8 days. (Sources: NASA photo; Wikipedia)

The next postcard shows Neil Armstrong Home Coming Day at Wapakoneta, Ohio, September 6, 1969. Armstrong is traversing the parade route in his home town, and greeting his fellow townsmen.

Below is an enlarged detail from the parade postcard.

The last postcard shows the sign erected in Wapakoneta to honor Armstrong. The sign was erected when Armstrong became the first civilian astronaut, with an addition made after he became the first man to step on the moon.

Neil Armstrong was born August 5, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. He died August 25, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I have been by Wapakoneta and they still have the signs - in fact they have a small museum there too, dedicated to Mr. Armstrong. I am saddened to hear of his passing. thanks for the post and postcard.
