Saturday, September 22, 2012

Music and Art


This maximum card has the American Music stamp on a postcard of a  painting by Fernand Léger, The Three Musicians. The painting is in The Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was painted in 1944 (after a drawing of 1924-25). The painting has been thought to be influenced by little bands of musicians in Paris dance halls. One art historian suggested in an article, The Cubists & the Tubist, that the three musicians represent the three Cubists Braque, Picasso, and Léger himself.

The 5¢ American Music stamp design includes a  lute, horn and music score. It was issued on October 15, 1964 in New York, New York, where the headquarters of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) is located. The society was founded in 1914, and 1964 was its 50th anniversary.

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. the bright colours of the maxicard really appeal to me. much moreso than the the colours, or lack of, on the stamp.

  2. I actually like the motif on the stamp, although it lacks colour, as VioletSky says. The card is great.

  3. Love the bright colours and the style of the card.

  4. I think the lack of color on the stamp was the style back in the sixties. I could be very wrong however - Postcardy knows more about stamps than I do. What a great stamp for today's theme!
    thank you for joining in.

  5. The card would drown the stamp if both were bright coloured. Simole design of the stamp makes it worthwhile.

  6. The bright color of the the postcard is very catchy,wish the stamp color was the same.
    My Sunday Stamp: Literature and Books

  7. I like the thought that it may be portraying the three cubists, its a captivating painting. The classical style of the stamp is a nice contrast.
