Saturday, December 1, 2012

Write Soon -- Letter Writing Stamps

These are Colorano Silk Maximum Cards with the three pairs of 15-cent letter writing stamps. These stamps were issued on  February 25, 1980 in Washington, DC. Jimmy Carter was president at the time, and that looks like him on the silk cachet of the last card. This set of postage stamps were issued during National Letter Writing Week and focused on the importance of letter writing, The themes name three benefits of letter writing: preserving memories, lifting spirits, and shaping opinions.

The picture below gives a better idea of what they looked like when issued. (Source: Postal Service Guide to U.S. Stamps).

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. The 'shaping opinions' stamp looks familiar, I think I have one on a postcard somewhere. I quite like the 'lifting spirits' one.

  2. I like the concept, its a neat idea to visualise them coming out of an envelope. Like Violet Sky I have a shaping opinion one too, but without the tab.

  3. what a cute set of stamps! yeah, people should be writing more letters and postcards! id add to this that it also brings happiness of people opening their mailboxes and finding something else but bills and subscription magazines ;)

  4. The stamps are great. Am not sure about the images on the postcards though - they look like very average oil paintings. I do really like the paired stamps though. They are really nice.

  5. The number of letter writers has diminished significantly in the 30 years since these stamps were issued. I can't remember the last letter I wrote - it must have been in the late 1980s.Like Helen, the stamps are fine but not the images.

  6. love the messages on these stamps :)

  7. Lovely sentiments, I think something is being lost with the decline in letter writing.

  8. I used to have special stationery for writing letters to friends and relatives. Sigh. At least I have sending postcards through Postcrossing and Christmas cards! thank you for sharing these stamps.

  9. I wish more people did write letters, for all of those reasons.
