Saturday, June 29, 2013

Renoir's Visit to Guernsey Stamp

The French Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir visited Guernsey in the summer of 1883 and painted about fifteen pictures there. This maximum card was issued by the Guernsey Post Office. The card reproduces one stamp in the set of five Renoir paintings released to commemorate the Centenary of Renoir's visit to Guernsey. The issue date was September 6, 1983. The other four stamps in the set are a squarish shape and feature landscapes. 

The original of this Children on the Seashore painting is in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog

Friday, June 28, 2013

Dobsina Ice Cave

This postcard shows a 1905 view of ice skating in the Dobsina Ice Cave. The location was part of Hungary when this postcard was published, but is now part of Slovakia. The following information about the cave is from
Situated 20 km north from Dobšiná village within the Slovak Paradise National Park, Dobšiná cave is the oldest and at the same time the largest ice cave in Europe.The layer of ice has a volume of 110 thousands cubic meters, in many places reaching a thickness of 26.5 meters.

Apart from an ice floor, this huge underground glacier has enchanting waterfalls, stalagmites, and columns of ice. The cave was discovered in 1870. Until 1946 the general public was allowed to skate throughout the year. Dobšiná cave is part of a cave system stretching for 21 kilometers. It measures 1232 meters, of which 475-meter stretch is open to the public.

Along with 11 other caves of the Slovak Karst, Dobšiná Cave was added on UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000.
There is a gallery of photos of the Dobsina Ice Cave on the website of the Slovak Caves Administration.

The postcard was mailed in 1908 to Amy Sisser c/o O. H. Peck Company in Minneapolis.

The O. H. Peck Company offered photo finishing services and sold photographic supplies. The store had been bought along with other businesses by Eastman Kodak about 1902. It was the scene of a major Minneapolis fire in 1904. When searching for information about the company, I found this interesting December, 1910 newspaper ad for Kodak cameras and supplies sold by O. H. Peck.

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Kids and Cows

These postcards would probably be considered "stock" cards. The actual location is not identified on the postcard, and the images are generic enough that they could be sold almost anywhere. I bought these for my collection because I have a soft spot for cute pictures of kids and animals, and I like postcards that show people in what is now vintage clothing.

The captions on stock cards are often fanciful and/or inaccurate. The picture of the girl is titled "A proud 4-H Girl raised her own whiteface on father's farm." I suppose she could be a real farm girl who helped raise the animal, but she looks too young to me to belong to 4-H or raise the animal by herself. The postcard of the boy has the rather obvious title "Feeding the Calves." I would estimate that the first postcard is from the 1960s and the second from the 1950s.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Native American Jewelry

Native Americans of the Southwest United States are famous for their jewelry, especially that made with silver and/or turquoise.

The postcard above (ca. 1932) shows a little Navajo girl and is titled "The Silversmith's Daughter." According to the description on the back of the card, her beautiful Indian jewelry made of coin silver and genuine turquoise stone has been lavished upon her by her silversmith father.

The postcards below are somewhat newer (ca. 1958-63). The first shows an Indian silversmith at work using primitive tools to make jewelry of coin silver and turquoise. The silver is heated and then hammered to suit his purpose. 

Many examples of genuine Indian handmade jewelry are shown on the last two postcards.

The video below is long, but it is well-worth watching. It shows and describes the different styles of Native American silver jewelry that are associated with different tribes and gives a brief history of the jewelry.

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

American Red Cross WWII Railway Station Canteens

The American Red Cross canteens provided services to members of the military during both WWI and WWII. Many of the canteens were in railway stations to serve the soldiers and sailors on the troop trains passing through.

These two postcards show the Red Cross canteens at the two Minneapolis, Minnesota railway stations during WWII. The postcards were furnished through the courtesy of the Minneapolis-Moline Power Implement Company.

Minneapolis no longer has any railway stations. The Milwaukee Road Station was closed in 1971. At its peak, the station served 29 trains per day. It was not demolished, but it was vacant for many years. Finally, a project to reuse the buildings was begun in 1998 and completed in 2001. The Great Northern Station was demolished in 1978. Passenger train service had declined from a peak of 125 daily trains during World War II to just one route when Amtrak began operation in 1971.

The video below is about the WWII Aberdeen (South Dakota) Railway Station Red Cross Canteen. (Aberdeen is about 275 miles west of Minneapolis).

A couple of my previous posts also dealt with WWII Canteens:

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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Architecture of Belarus on Stamps

click to enlarge

This postcard commemorates 20 years of  Belarusian stamps. Belarus used the postage stamps of the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991. In 1991 Belarus became an independent nation and began its own postal administration in 1992. (Wikipedia)

Belpost has a very nice website in English, and I think you can find information on all their stamps there. Stamps are listed both chronologically and thematically. Architecture is the theme of the stamps on this postcard. The architecture stamps are on a page called Architectural Monuments. I didn't try to identify all of these stamps, but I did look up the two souvenir sheets in the center of the postcard: Mir Castle (2010) and Orthodox Churches (2012).

This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog