Friday, June 21, 2013

Kids and Cows

These postcards would probably be considered "stock" cards. The actual location is not identified on the postcard, and the images are generic enough that they could be sold almost anywhere. I bought these for my collection because I have a soft spot for cute pictures of kids and animals, and I like postcards that show people in what is now vintage clothing.

The captions on stock cards are often fanciful and/or inaccurate. The picture of the girl is titled "A proud 4-H Girl raised her own whiteface on father's farm." I suppose she could be a real farm girl who helped raise the animal, but she looks too young to me to belong to 4-H or raise the animal by herself. The postcard of the boy has the rather obvious title "Feeding the Calves." I would estimate that the first postcard is from the 1960s and the second from the 1950s.

For More Vintage Images


  1. There is nothing cuter than the face of a baby cow.

  2. Yes I also like to look at the clothing of the past.

    Cute cards :)

  3. These are nice looking Herefords, the girl seems to be used to the animals as she does look happy to touch the calf, but as you said, she is to small to handle and feed a calf of this size.
    The boy perhaps is a small helper around the animals. Yes, both cards are very pretty.

  4. The girl's dress and the color of the cows match! Charming captures!


  5. Splendid images of cute kids and calves, but I'm glad Alex asked about 4H as I have no idea either.

  6. The little boy is holding a bucket with a rubber nipple at the bottom; we used those to bucket-train our calves -- it's called a "Calf-A-Teria" (I am NOT kidding); we had about a dozen of them!

  7. 4-H youth development program in USA which helps kids learn life skills to become good citizens - raising calves is obviously one of the activities.

  8. 4-H used to be mainly for farm and rural kids. The four Hs stand for head, heart, hands, and health.

  9. We have one of those calf-a-tarias too, like Deb. Our girls used to love taking the milk out to feed the calves every morning, before they got older and it just became yet another chore, and I ended up doing it most days just to keep the peace.

  10. There is no mistaking that Hereford breed. I just hope she knows it's not one that you can milk!

  11. These are both adorable. And I think that you are right about that little girl being old enough to be in 4-H.

    Kathy M.

  12. I liked "Feeding the Calves". Reminded me of Freddie who liked nothing better that to knock me over whilst jockeying to get the best place -- there was no such thing, but not to Freddie.

  13. Fun cards. They remind me the county fair is coming next month and once again I have to avoid the barns filled with all the animals raised for 4H. It breaks my heart going through seeing all the animals knowing their fate.

    I dont' think I have one cow card in my collection.

  14. I used to be a 4-H leader back in the 1980s. The kids had to be 8 before they could join. I do find it hard to think of their clothes as vintage :)

  15. Cute cards!!
    Got a friend who would fancy these.
