Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Minnesota State Fair 2013 -- Postcard Exhibits

I entered some Post Card Frames in the Minnesota State Fair for the first time this year. I entered a frame of Twin City Lines postcards by V. O. Hammon in the Minnesota category (above) and a frame of Smokey Bear postcards in the chrome category (below).

The rules allow from 6 to 24 postcards on boards. There are 10 categories, and all except linens and chromes must be pre-1920. (Technically, the rules do not allow for cards of the 1920s. This doesn't seem right to me, since there are not always definitive clues to the age of white border and real photo postcards. I think it would make more sense to specify pre-1930).

The categories are:
  • Mixed era: trace one subject using cards from more than one era
  • Artist signed or greeting
  • Minnesota post cards
  • Views, place or buildings, etc. scenic nature (non-Minnesota)
  • People: famous, occupational, etc
  • Novelty cards
  • Transportation cards.
  • Topic: historical event, dogs, cats, mining, fishing, etc
  • Linen era post cards
  • Chrome (slick finish) modern post cards 
The frames are scored as follows:
  • Quality of Material — 30%
  • Design and general appearance —30%
  • Condition — 20%
  • Value in point of interest — 20%
The postcard frames are displayed in glass cases in the Creative Activities Building. I photographed the displays like I did in 2012 (see Minnesota State Fair - Postcard Exhibits). The photos are poor quality due to low light and reflections, but I think they interesting nevertheless in that they show the variety of topics and display designs. I wish they would show the category along with the board. Some could fit in more than one category; some don't seem to quite fit any of the categories; some could be from the "Creative Collections" division. Below are the postcard displays that received first and second place ribbons.(Click the images to enlarge them for a better view. Depending on your browser and/or operating system, you may then be able to enlarge more by right-clicking and choosing the "View Image" option. The original images posted are 1067px x 1600px).

Sweepstakes Winner — Little Bears Set by Tuck

St. Paul Winter Sports Carnival

Christmas Greetings from Santa Claus

Leap Year

Halloween Sets by Nash

Minnesota's Coast — North Shore of Lake Superior

Early Antique Postcards with Undivided Backs

Dark Haired Girl (left); Leather Postcards (right)

Swiss Guards — Guardians of the Pope

Early American Motorcycles

Snowbirds Vacation Circa 1935 (left); Why Not Collect Postcards? (right)

Niagara Cave

World War II Pre-Printed Postcards

World's Only Corn Palace

Marshall Field & Company



  1. This is an interesting idea. I've seen displays at the annual Postcard Show in Toronto, but they were more informative and educational. I've been wondering how to organize my thematics and framing them hadn't occurred to me for some reason.

  2. Thank you for posting these. They are great to look at and too far away for me to see them in person :D
