Thursday, August 15, 2013

Uninvited Picnic Guests

These two postcards show bears in Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Park has abundant wildlife, and many visitors find the bears most interesting. The bears are playful and comparatively fearless. They are often seen and photographed along the highways in the Park and occasionally they raid the campgrounds.

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  1. I must say, I'd rather be inside a car when one of those is around.

  2. Oh dear ! I'm only used to birds wanting to have their share.

  3. Playful schmaful! When one of those creatures shows up, I'm outta there.

  4. There are bears at Lake Tahoe, too! One broke into my tent - ripping it right down the back. I had to put it back together with duct tape which I'd luckily thought to pack. A couple of years later a young bold bear came strolling right into our camp while I was sitting there & went after our ice chest. I wasn't about to let him (or her?) get into it, however, and chased it off with a broom! Afterward, shaking a bit, I wondered what in the world I thought I was doing, but I saved our food so all was well that ended well.

  5. I agree with Helen, the idea of a "playful" bear is something I would find terrifying rather than interesting.

  6. Gee, and I thought kangaroos and emus were bad enough invading a picnic!

  7. Yes, emus will steal meat right off the BBQ, as will kookaburras if you're not careful. Snakes can also be lurking nearby, but they don't generally chase after you, although I know from personal experience that some can be rather frisky!

  8. I can think of other playmates when it comes to picnics, but these are great shots.

  9. When Yogi takes off the collar and necktie, you know he means business.

  10. Playful?
    Not for me, thanks!!
    Gorgeous creatures, at a [safe] distance...

  11. That first picture says it all! Bears are not cute and cuddly.

  12. A teddy bear's picnic?

    Bears are still a problem in our NC mountains and the home stores sell bear proof trash bins with heavy duty construction and a special latch that requires a small finger to unlock. Costs 3 times as much as ordinary bins.

  13. Somehow I don't think I would argue with a bear at a picnic - unless it was a teddy bear.

  14. my first response was to laugh! Then I remembered that here in the NW states we have had 5 bear attacks this past week. The furry fellows are getting ready to hibernate and are looking for food to stoke the fires for winter. Scary, indeed.

  15. Seagulls are annoying "guests" but a bear would be totally frightening!

  16. I wouldn't want to be around at that picnic! I remember being scared at cows coming too close, though.

  17. Yep, truly a guest I wouldn't invite! We used to see these bears at Lake Vermilion and if we didn't put our food safely away, this would be the result!

  18. Bears are awfully tolerant of us, considering they were here first.

  19. Don't know that I'd call a bear that size "playful," but they certainly are great cards! Where's Mr. Ranger when you need him??
    Thanks for sharing!

  20. ...playful? I'm sure it is a situation that can get out of hand, fast. But I have a few of my grandmother feeding beers back in the early 1900's... Adorable, vintage postcards.

  21. I remember the bear jams in Yellowstone. A bear would appear and all traffic came to a halt with everyone piling out of their cars to take pictures. The really stupid ones were the ones who thought it fun to get close to the cubs. People can be so incredibly stupid.

    I also remember a bear circling a tent I was in in Sequoia. It kept knocking up against my cot. I was around 3 and I kept saying, "Daddy, something keeps hitting me." His response was pretty much, "Be quiet and go to sleep" until he woke up enough to register what I was saying. He had his Navy issue "Bowie" knife and was ready to go out the back of the tent if the bear came in the front.

    I swear that second card is one I remember from long ago. It feels very familiar.
