Saturday, November 23, 2013

Elvis Stamp Ballot

In 1992 postcard ballots were distributed for the American public to vote on two different designs for a 29¢ stamp honoring Elvis Presley. The choice was between two portraits, a "young Elvis" (A) and an "old Elvis" (B).

The "young Elvis" artwork (airbrush and acrylic on board) was by artist Mark Stutzman.

source: Art of the Stamp

The "old Elvis" artwork (oil on board) was by artist John Berkey.

source: Art of the Stamp
The "young Elvis" received the most votes and was used for the Elvis stamp. In 1993, the Elvis stamp was issued both as a single and as part of the American Music Series Issues featuring legendary Rock & Roll performers Bill Haley, Buddy Holly, Clyde McPhatter, Elvis Presley, Otis Redding, Ritchie Valens, and Dinah Washington. The single stamp had Elvis' first name only (as shown on the ballot). The stamp that was issued along with the other performers used both first and last names.


This is a post for Sunday Stamps at Viridian's Postcard Blog


  1. Voting on a stamp design sounds a good idea and a good way to engage people.

  2. I remember reading about the vote but never thought about how it was conducted. Love that postcard, what a great piece of history.

  3. Interesting that people had a chance to vote on the design, How many performers would be recognised if stamps carried only their first names I wonder.

  4. I wonder how close the voting went? I probably would have gone for the young Elvis too.

    1. I think I saw somewhere that it was 75% for the young Elvis.

  5. I like the Ballot Post Card. Didn't know that story.

  6. I recall there was some discussion (and dismay) about rock and roll singers being pictured on stamps. But this Elvis stamp was very popular!
    Thank you for participating.

  7. There always seems to be vote on 'old' Elvis vs 'young' Elvis!
    I think I prefer the art on the old Elvis, but still prefer the look of the young Elvis.

  8. How nice to vote for a stamp! I'm not sure what would be my choice.
